"Evaluation and Analysis of Array Antennas for Passive Coherent Locatio" by Baris Calikoglu

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Andrew J. Terzuoli, Jr., PhD


Passive Coherent Location (PCL) systems use a special form of a radar receiver that exploits the ambient radiation in the environment to detect and track targets. Typical transmissions of opportunity that might be exploited include television and FM radiobroadcasts. PCL implies the use of a non-radar electromagnetic sources of illumination, such as commercial radio or television broadcasts also referred as transmitters of opportunity. The use of such illumination sources means that the receiver needs to process waveforms that are not designed for radar purposes. As a consequence, the receivers for PCL systems must be much more customized than traditional receivers, in order to obtain the most appropriate and best signal. Since antennas are the eyes of the receivers, processing of an incoming signal starts with the antennas. Yet, because PCL system is non-traditional, there has not been much work done in the evaluation of the antennas, even though PCL systems have some demanding constraints on the antenna system. During this research various array antenna designs will be studied by their radiation patterns, gain factors, input impedances, power efficiencies and other features by simulating these arrays in the computer environment. The goal is to show the better performance of the array antennas compared to traditional Yagi-Uda antennas that are currently used for PCL systems.

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