ANT Faculty Publications | Autonomy and Navigation Technology Center (ANT) | Air Force Institute of Technology

ANT Faculty Publications



Submissions from 2024

Structure from Motion with Planar Homography Estimation: A Real-time Low-bandwidth, High-resolution Variant for Aerial Reconnaissance, Christian Arnold, Scott L. Nykl, Scott R. Graham, and Robert C. Leishman


An Analysis of Precision: Occlusion and Perspective Geometry’s Role in 6D Pose Estimation, Jeffrey Choate, Derek Worth, Scott Nykl, Clark N. Taylor, Brett J. Borghetti, and Christine M. Schubert Kabban


Magnetic Sensor Compensation Utilizing Factor Graph Estimation, Frederic W. Lathrop, Clark N. Taylor, and Aaron Nielsen


GNSS Software Defined Radio: History, Current Developments, and Standardization Efforts, Thomas Pany, Dennis Akos, Javier Arribas, M. Zahidul H. Bhuiyan, Pau Closas, Fabio Dovis, Ignacio Fernandez-Hernandez, Carles Fernandez-Prades, Sanjeev Gunawardena, Todd Humphreys, Zaher M. Kassas, Jose A. Lopez Salcedo, Mario Nicola, Mario L. Psiaki, Alexander Rugamer, Yong-Jin Song, and Jong-Hoon Won

A Machine Learning Approach for Multipath Characterization and Mitigation Using Chipshape Observations, Sean Quiterio and Sanjeev Gunawardena


Relative Vectoring using Dual Object Detection for Autonomous Aerial Refueling, Derek B. Worth, Jeffrey L. Choate, James Lynch, Scott L. Nykl, and Clark N. Taylor


Machine Visual Perception from Sim-to-real Transfer Learning for Autonomous Docking Maneuvers, Derek Worth, Jeffrey Choate, Ryan M. Raettig, Scott L. Nykl, and Clark N. Taylor

Charactering Receiver Clocks for the Detection and Identification of Inauthentic GNSS Signals, Zen Zhu, Sanjeev Gunawardena, Eric Vinande, and Jason Pontious

Submissions from 2023

GPU Computing of GNSS Chipshape, Tyler Bransfield and Sanjeev Gunawardena


Sensitivity of Single-Pulse Radar Detection to Aircraft Pose Uncertainties, Austin Costley, Randall Christensen, Robert C. Leishman, and Greg Droge


Sensitivity of the Probability of Radar Detection to Radar State Uncertainty, Austin Costley, Randall Christiansen, Robert C. Leishman, and Greg Droge


Live-Sky GNSS Signal Processing using a Dual-Polarized Antenna Array for Multipath Mitigation, Eric Hahn, Sanjeev Gunawardena, and Chris Bartone


Conservative Estimation of Inertial Sensor Errors Using Allan Variance Data, Kyle A. Lethander and Clark N. Taylor


Accelerating a Software Defined Satnav Receiver using Multiple Parallel Processing Schemes, Logan Reich, Sanjeev Gunawardena, and Michael Braasch

Required Memory Analysis of a GPS Receiver for Implementing CHIMERA SCA, Hyoungmin So, Sanjeev Gunawardena, and Jeffrey Hebert

Monocular Vision and Machine Learning for Pose Estimation, Quang Tran, Jeffrey Choate, Clark N. Taylor, Scott L. Nykl, and David H. Curtis

Doppler Processing for Satellite Navigation, Frank Van Graas


Surveillance of a Faster Fixed-Course Target, Isaac Weintraub, Alexander Von Moll, David W. Casbeer, Eloy Garcia, and Meir Pachter


Accurate Covariance Estimation for Pose Data from Iterative Closest Point Algorithm, Rick H. Yuan, Clark N. Taylor, and Scott L. Nykl

Identification of Authentic GNSS Signals in Time-Differenced Carrier Phase Measurements with a Multi-Constellation Software Defined Radio Receiver, Zhen Zhu, Sanjeev Gunawardena, Eric Vinande, and Jason Pontious

Submissions from 2022

GNSS Software Defined Radio: History, Current Developments, and Standardization Efforts { Conference version }, Dennis Akos, Javier Arribas, M. Zahidul H. Bhuiyan, Pau Closas, Fabio Dovis, Ignacio Fernandez-Hernandez, Carles Fernandez-Prades, Sanjeev Gunawardena, Todd Humphreys, Zaher M. Kassas, Jose A. Lopez Salcedo, Mario Nicola, Thomas Pany, M. L. Psiaki, Mark L. Rügamer, Y.-J. Song, and J.-H. Won


Delaunay Walk for Fast Nearest Neighbor: Accelerating Correspondence Matching for ICP, James D. Anderson, Ryan M. Raettig, Joshua Larson, Clark N. Taylor, and Thomas Wischgoll

Evaluation of a Complementary Navigation Filter Steering a UAS Autopilot in a GNSS Contested Environment, Andrew Appleget, Josiah Watson, Jeremy Gray, and Robert C. Leishman

Closed-Loop Linear Covariance Framework for Path Planning in Static Uncertain Obstacle Fields, Randall Christensen, Greg Droge, and Robert C. Leishman


Analytical Aircraft State and IMU Signal Generator from Smoothed Reference Trajectory, Austin Costley, Randall Christensen, Robert C. Leishman, and Greg Droge