"Improving Maintenance Data Collection via Point-of-Maintenance (POMX) " by William D. Cone

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

John E. Bell, PhD


Maintenance data collection is an integral part of flightline aircraft maintenance. Historically, this data was input via traditional keyboard data entry methods at a computer terminal. These terminals are typically located in the aircraft maintenance unit (AMU) facility, away from where the actual maintenance is being performed. In contrast to the traditional approach, the Point-of-Maintenance system (POMX) seeks to reduce the data entry burden while increasing data accuracy through the use of E-Tools such as ruggedized laptop computers and handheld portable maintenance aids (PMAs). POMX enables data entry at the aircraft or other maintenance location via wireless local area network or batch storage, and seeks to capture data as the maintenance is performed. This research analyzes the impact of a POMX system on maintenance data error rates. This research takes a careful look at the implementation of POMX at Randolph AFB to enable current designers and system engineers to gain insight into what to expect as the next generation of POMX comes on-line. Initial results indicate no significant improvement in data quality and no reduction in the number of data errors recorded with POMX systems. Follow-up interviews with POMX users and experts revealed that the Air Force still has a number of managerial, technical and organizational constraints which must be overcome before a POMX system can add to the effectiveness of Air Force maintenance operations.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

