Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Direct Digital Synthesis: A Flexible Architecture for Advanced Signals Research for Future Satellite Navigation Payloads, Pranav R. Patel
Chronos Spacecraft with Chiron Probe: Exploration of the Hydrosphere, Principle Satellites, Atmosphere, and Rings of Uranus, Payton E. Pearson
Introducing the Game Design Matrix: A Step-by-Step Process for Creating Serious Games, Aaron J. Pendleton
Cyber Risk Assessment and Scoring Model for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Dillon M. Pettit
Joint 1D and 2D Neural Networks for Automatic Modulation Recognition, Luis M. Rosario Morel
Maximizing Accuracy through Stereo Vision Camera Positioning for Automated Aerial Refueling, Kirill A. Sarantsev
A General Methodology to Optimize and Benchmark Edge Devices, Kyle J. Smathers
NewHope: A Mobile Implementation of a Post-Quantum Cryptographic Key Encapsulation Mechanism, Jessica A. Switzler
A Study of Execution Performance for Rust-Based Object vs Data Oriented Architectures, Joseph A. Vagedes
An Analytic Study of Pursuit Strategies, Mark E. Vlassakis
Deep Learning-Based, Passive Fault Tolerant Control Facilitated by a Taxonomy of Cyber-Attack Effects, Dean C. Wardell
Simulated Experince Evaluation in Developing Multi-agent Coordination Graphs, Andrew J. Watson
Improved Ground-Based Monocular Visual Odometry Estimation using Inertially-Aided Convolutional Neural Networks, Josiah D. Watson
Physics-constrained Hyperspectral Data Exploitation Across Diverse Atmospheric Scenarios, Nicholas M. Westing
Dynamic Micromechanical Fabry-Perot Cavity Sensors Fabricated by Multiphoton Absorption Onto Optical Fiber Tips, Jeremiah C. Williams
Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Imagery using U-Nets, Terence J. Yi
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Graph-based Temporal Analysis in Digital Forensics, Nikolai A. Adderley
Evaluating Machine Learning Techniques for Smart Home Device Classification, Angelito E. Aragon Jr.
High Resolution Low-Bandwidth Real-Time Reconnaissance using Structure from Motion with Planar Homography Estimation, Christian M.A. Arnold
Performance Analysis of Angle of Arrival Algorithms Applied to Radiofrequency Interference Direction Finding, Taylor S. Barber
Assessment of Camera Pose Estimation Using Geo-Located Images from Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, David W. Beargie
Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Study for Aerial Visual Localization, Jedediah M. Berhold
Cyber-Attack Drone Payload Development and Geolocation via Directional Antennae, Clint M. Bramlette
High Fidelity Satellite Navigation Receiver Front-End for Advanced Signal Quality Monitoring and Authentication, Andrew D. Braun
Nondestructive Electromagnetic Characterization of Perfect-Electric-Conductor-Backed Uniaxial Materials, Adam L. Brooks
The Effect of Modeling Simultaneous Events on Simulation Results, John M. Carboni
Machine Learning Models of C-17 Specific Range Using Flight Recorder Data, Marcus Catchpole
Serious Game Design Using MDA and Bloom’s Taxonomy, Senobio V. Chavez
Modeling a Consortium-based Distributed Ledger Network with Applications for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure, Luis A. Cintron
Near Real-Time RF-DNA Fingerprinting for ZigBee Devices Using Software Defined Radios, Frankie A. Cruz
Infrared and Electro-Optical Stereo Vision for Automated Aerial Refueling, William E. Dallmann
Designing Liquid Crystal for Optoacoustic Detection, Michael T. Dela Cruz
Methodology for Comparison of Algorithms for Real-World Multi-objective Optimization Problems: Space Surveillance Network Design, Troy B. Dontigney
Instantaneous Bandwidth Expansion Using Software Defined Radios, Nicholas D. Everett
A Generalized Phase Gradient Autofocus Algorithm, Aaron Evers
A Focal Plane Array and Electronics Model for CMOS and CCD Sensors in the AFIT Sensor and Scene Emulation Tool (ASSET), Fernando D. Fernandez
Improved Fabrication for Micromirror Arrays, Enoc Flores
Confidence Inference in Defensive Cyber Operator Decision Making, Graig S. Ganitano
Non-Contact Height Estimation for Material Extrusion Additive Systems via Monocular Imagery, Andrew C. Gorospe
Imitating Human Responses via a Dual-Process Model Approach, Matthew A. Grimm
Preserving Privacy in Automotive Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems, Kenneth L. Hacker
Adaptive-Hybrid Redundancy for Radiation Hardening, Nicolas S. Hamilton
Side Channel Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems Using Physical Characteristics of End Devices, Ryan D. Harris
Self Organized Multi Agent Swarms (SOMAS) for Network Security Control, Eric M. Holloway
Electromagnetic Characterization of Conductor-backed Media Using Stepped Rectangular Waveguide, Avian Y. Hughes
Testing the Fault Tolerance of a Wide Area Backup Protection System using SPIN, Kenneth James
Machine Translation with Image Context from Mandarin Chinese to English, Brooke E. Johnson
Autonomous and Resilient Management of All-Source Sensors for Navigation Assurance, Juan D. Jurado
Monocular Visual Odometry for Fixed-Wing Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Kyung M. Kim
Emergent Behavior Development and Control in Multi-Agent Systems, David W. King
Physical Layer Discrimination of Electronic Control Units Using Wired Signal Distinct Native Attribute (WS-DNDA), Rahn M. Lassiter
Aerial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Earth's Magnetic Anomaly Field, Taylor N. Lee
Unguided Cyber Education Techniques of the Non-Expert, Seth A. Martin
Autonomous Association of GEO RSO Observations Using Deep Neural Networks, Ian W. McQuaid
Micro-contacts with 3-D Surfaces made with Grayscale Lithography, Paul L.J. Michaud
A Quantitative Analysis of the Fusion of 3-D Scanning LIDAR Systems and 2-D Imaging Systems, Michael F. Milton Jr.
Active Control of a Morphing Wing Aircraft and Failure Analysis for System Reliability, Madison J. Montgomery
A Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Localization Approach for an Autonomy Framework, Edwin A. Mora
A Blockchain-Based Anomalous Detection System for Internet of Things Devices, Joshua K. Mosby
Event-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry on a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Kaleb J. Nelson
Direct Path Interference Suppression and Received Signal Processing for OFDM Passive Radar, Aileen Nundu
Uranium Dioxide Actinide Detection Device Support Design for Space Applications, Jennifer N. Ramos
Analysis of Satellite Timing and Navigation Receiver Pseudorange Biases due to Spreading Code Puncturing and Phase Optimized Constant Envelope Transmission, Nathaniel J. Raquet
Characterization of Metal Contacts on Hydrothermally Synthesized Uranium Dioxide for Novel Semiconductor Applications, Tory E. Robinson
Evaluating the Resiliency of Industrial Internet of Things Process Control Using Protocol Agnostic Attacks, Hector L. Roldan
A Framework for Cyber Vulnerability Assessments of InfiniBand Networks, Daryl W. Schmitt
The Trust-Based Interactive Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, Richard S. Seymour
Unresolved Object Detection Using Synthetic Data Generation and Artificial Neural Networks, Yong U. Sinn
3-D Multifunctional Sensors Fabricated on Fiber Tips Using a Two-Photon Polymerization Process, Jonathan W. Smith
Examining Effectiveness of Web-Based Internet of Things Honeypots, Lukas A. Stafira
Target Detection in Heterogeneous Clutter with Low Resolution Radar, Kyle G. Stankowski
Magnetic Field Aided Indoor Navigation, William F. Storms
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed Waveform Effects on Passive Bistatic Radar, Forrest D. Taylor
Motivating Airmen to Engage with Technical Education: Experimentation and Analysis Using Modern Gamification Techniques, Landon G.M. Tomcho
Plasma Treatment Method for Ohmic Contacts on Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors, Blaine Z. Underwood
A MEMS Dual Vertical Electrometer and Electric Field-Mill, George C. Underwood
Multi-Sensor Data Fusion between Radio Tomographic Imaging and Noise Radar, Christopher Vergara
Confirmation Bias Estimation from Electroencephalography with Machine Learning, Micah Villarreal
The Challenges of Low-Energy Secondary Electron Emission Measurement, Matthew J. Vincie
Two-On-One Pursuit with a Non-zero Capture Radius, Patrick J. Wasz
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Defender-assisted Evasion and Pursuit Maneuvers, Roger S. Anderson
Effects of Dynamic Goals on Agent Performance, Nathan R. Ball
Techniques for Improved Space Object Detection Performance from Ground-Based Telescope Systems Using Long and Short Exposure Images, David J. Becker
Mitigating the Effects of Cyber Attacks and Human Control in an Autonomous Intersection, Karl C. Bentjen
Pattern-of-Life Modeling using Data Leakage in Smart Homes, Steven M. Beyer
Behavior Flexibility for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems, Taylor B. Bodin
Cognitive Effects of Short Duration Short Wavelength Visible Light, Sarah J. Bolton
Estimating Defensive Cyber Operator Decision Confidence, Markus M. Borneman
Variable Speed Simulation for Accelerated Industrial Control System Cyber Training, Luke M. Bradford
An Analysis of Multi-domain Command and Control and the Development of Software Solutions through DevOps Toolsets and Practices, Mason R. Bruza
Efficient Phase Retrieval for Off-Axis Point Spread Functions, Salome Esteban Carrasco
Progressive Network Deployment, Performance, and Control with Software-defined Networking, Daniel J. Casey
Methods of Reverse Engineering a Bitstream for Field Programmable Gate Array Protection, Daniel J. Celebucki
Assessing the Competing Characteristics of Privacy and Safety within Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Jacob W. Connors
Navigation with Artificial Neural Networks, Joseph A. Curro II
Automating Mobile Device File Format Analysis, Richard A. Dill
Modeling a Space-based Quantum Link, Alexander W. Duchane
Assessing and Expanding Extracurricular Cybersecurity Youth Activities' Impact on Career Interest, Michael H. Dunn
Evaluation of Resiliency in a Wide-area Backup Protection System via Model Checking, Kolby H. Elliot
Assured Android Execution Environments, Brandon P. Froberg