Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Material Characterization Using Passive Multispectral Polarimetric Imagery, Melissa A . Sawyer
Characterization and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Cavity Multi-Section Gain-Levered Quantum-Dot Lasers, John R. Schmidt
File Carving and Malware Identification Algorithms Applied to Firmware Reverse Engineering, Karl A . Sickendick
Kernel Extended Real-Valued Negative Selection Algorithm (KERNSA), Brett A . Smith
Metrics for Emitter Selection for Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar, Sean R. Stevens
Radio Frequency Based Programmable Logic Controller Anomaly Detection, Samuel J. Stone
Development of a Resource Manager Framework for Adaptive Beamformer Selection, Jeremy P. Stringer
Novel Test Fixture for Characterizing Microcontacts: Performance and Reliability, Benjamin F. Toler
Airborne Network Data Availability Using Peer to Peer Database Replication on a Distributed Hash Table, Trevor J. Vranicar
Network Intrusion Dataset Assessment, David J. Weller-Fahy
The Design and Analysis of Electrically Large Custom-Shaped Reflector Antennas, Joshua M. Wilson
Adaptations and Analysis of the AFIT Noise Radar Network for Indoor Navigation, Russell D. Wilson IV
The Dynamic Multi-objective Multi-vehicle Covering Tour Problem, Joshua S. Ziegler
Enhancing Ground Based Telescope Performance with Image Processing, John C. Zingarelli
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Empirical Analysis of Optical Attenuator Performance in Quantum Key Distribution Systems Using a Particle Model, Thomas C. Adams
Optimum Concentration Ratio Analysis Using Dynamic Thermal Model for Concentrated Photovoltaic System, John T. Avrett
A Black Hole Attack Model for Reactive Ad-Hoc Protocols, Christopher W. Badenhop
RSA Power Analysis Obfuscation: A Dynamic FPGA Architecture, John W. Barron
Spectral Detection of Human Skin in VIS-SWIR Hyperspectral Imagery without Radiometric Calibration, Andrew P. Beisley
Emulating Industrial Control System Field Devices Using Gumstix Technology, Dustin Berman
Context Aware Routing Management Architecture for Airborne Networks, Joan A. Betances
Detector Design Considerations in High-Dimensional Artificial Immune Systems, Jason M. Bindewald
Covert Android Rootkit Detection: Evaluating Linux Kernel Level Rootkits on the Android Operating System, Robert C. Brodbeck
An FPGA Noise Resistant Digital Temperature Sensor with Auto Calibration, Brandon A. Brown
Trade-offs in a 1 Tbps MIMO Communication System Between an Airship and an Array of Ground Receive Antennas, Adam R. Brueggen
Understanding How Reverse Engineers Make Sense of Programs from Assembly Language Representations, Adam R. Bryant
A Nonparametric Approach to Segmentation of Ladar Images, Eric A. Buschelman
Towards Quantifying Programmable Logic Controller Resilience Against Intentional Exploits, Henry W. Bushey
Low Cost, Low Complexity Sensor Design for Non-Cooperative Geolocation via Received Signal Strength, Michael S. Butler
Field Emission of Thermally Grown Carbon Nanostructures on Silicon Carbide, Jonathon M. Campbell
Integration of Cold Atom Interferometry INS with Other Sensors, Aaron J. Canciani
Adaptive Routing Algorithm for Priority Flows in a Network, Timothy J. Carbino
Low Frequency Material Characterization of Thin Substrates in a Coaxial Transmission Line, Lee B. Cole
Workload-based Automated Interface Mode Selection, Andrew J. Compton
Spatial Identification of Passive Radio Frequency Identification Tags Using Software Defined Radios, Paul A. Cornn
Insider Threat Detection on the Windows Operating System using Virtual Machine Introspection, Martin H. Crawford
Automated Aerial Refueling Position Estimation Using a Scanning LiDAR, Joseph A. Curro II
A Real-time Strategy Agent Framework and Strategy Classifier for Computer Generated Forces, Lyall J. Di Trapani
Decentralized Riemannian Particle Filtering with Applications to Multi-Agent Localization, Martin J. Eilders
Universal Plug-n-Play Sensor Integration for Advanced Navigation, Daniel L. Elsner
Intelligent Behavioral Action Aiding for Improved Autonomous Image Navigation, Kwee Guan Eng
Development of a Radar-Frequency Metamaterial Measurement and Characterization Apparatus, Stephen I. Faris
Dismount Threat Recognition through Automatic Pose Identification, Andrew M. Freeman
Obfuscating Against Side-Channel Power Analysis Using Hiding Techniques for AES, Austin W. Fritzke
OFDM-Based Signal Exploitation Using Quadrature Mirror Filter Bank (QMFB) Processing, Felipe E. Garrido
Intra-procedural Path-insensitive Grams (i-grams) and Disassembly Based Features for Packer Tool Classification and Detection, Scott E. Gerics
Scalable Wavelet-Based Active Network Stepping Stone Detection, Joseph I. Gilbert
Magnesium Object Manager Sandbox, A More Effective Sandbox Method for Windows 7, Martin A. Gilligan
Air-to-Air Missile Enhanced Scoring with Kalman Smoothing, Jonathon S. Gipson
The White-hat Bot: A Novel Botnet Defense Strategy, Tyrone C. Gubler
Passive Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Commercial OFDM Communication Networks, Jose R. Gutierrez del Arroyo
Vulnerability Analysis of the Player Command and Control Protocol, John T. Hagen
Modeling the Effects of the Local Environment on a Received GNSS Signal, Marshall E. Haker
Target Classification of Canonical Scatterers Using Classical Estimation and Dictionary Based Techniques, G. Barry Hammond II
Magnetic Field Generation and B-Dot Sensor Characterization in the High Frequency Band, Ryan L. Hardin
Forensic Memory Analysis for Apple OS X, Andrew F. Hay
Utilizing Graphics Processing Units for Network Anomaly Detection, Jonathan D. Hersack
The Effects of Cognitive Jamming on Wireless Sensor Networks used for Geolocation, Michael A. Huffman
Design, Modeling, and Measurement of a Metamaterial Electromagnetic Field Concentrator, Noel A. Humber
An Analysis of Error Reconciliation Protocols for use in Quantum Key Distribution, James S. Johnson
Enhanced Image-Aided Navigation Algorithm with Automatic Calibration and Affine Distortion Prediction, Juan D. Jurado
Enhancing Trust in the Smart Grid by Applying a Modified Exponentially Weighted Averages Algorithm, Andrew T. Kasperek
Radar Based Navigation in Unknown Terrain, Kyle J. Kauffman
Augmenting the Global Positioning System with Foreign Navigation Systems and Alternative Sensors, Christopher B. Killion
Effects of Architecture on Information Leakage of a Hardware Advanced Encryption Standard Implementation, Eric A. Koziel
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Tunable RF Meta-atoms, Derrick Langley
Evaluation of Traditional Security Solutions in the SCADA Environment, Robert D. Larkin
Improvements to Optical Communication Capabilities Achieved through the Optical Injection of Semiconductor Lasers, Timothy P. Locke
UHF Antenna Design for AFIT Random Noise Radar, Matthew T. Ludwig
Exploiting the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast System via False Target Injection, Domenic Magazu III
Resolution Study of a Hyperspectral Sensor Using Computed Tomography in the Process of Noise, Samuel V. Mantravadi
Evaluation of Malware Target Recognition Deployed in a Cloud-Based Fileserver Environment, G. Parks Masters
External Verification of SCADA System Embedded Controller Firmware, Lucille R. McMinn
Creating Network Attack Priority Lists by Analyzing Email Traffic Using Predefined Profiles, Eric J. Merrit
Cyberspace and Real-World Behavioral Relationships: Towards the Application of Internet Search Queries to Identify Individuals At-risk for Suicide, Casey C. Miller
Binary Disassembly Block Coverage by Symbolic Execution vs. Recursive Descent, Jonathan D. Miller
Detecting Hardware-assisted Hypervisor Rootkits within Nested Virtualized Environments, Daniel B. Morabito
Computer Aided Multi-Data Fusion Dismount Modeling, Juan L. Morales
LADAR Range Image Interpolation Exploiting Pulse Width Expansion, Jeramy W. Motes
Short Message Service (SMS) Command and Control (C2) Awareness in Android-based Smartphones using Kernel-Level Auditing, Robert J. Olipane
Timing Variations in a Magnetic Pulse Compression Circuit, Jeremy S. Oliver
Process Flow Features as a Host-based Event Knowledge Representation, Benhur E. Pacer
All Source Sensor Integration Using an Extended Kalman Filter, Timothy R. Penn
Near Earth Object Detection Using a Poisson Statistical Model for Detection on Images Modeled from the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, Curtis J. R. Peterson
Cross Hallway Detection and Indoor Localization Using Flash Laser Detection and Ranging, Istvan M. Prileszky
Passive Multistatic Radar Imaging using an OFDM based Signal of Opportunity, Matthew B. P. Rapson
Exploitation of RF-DNA for Device Classification and Verification Using GRLVQI Processing, Donald R. Reising
Covariance Analysis of Vision Aided Navigation by Bootstrapping, Andrew L. Relyea
Resource Provisioning in Large-Scale Self-Organizing Distributed Systems, M. Brent Reynolds
Application of Game Theory to Improve the Defense of the Smart Grid, Keith J. Ross
Multi-Observation Continuous Density Hidden Markov Models for Anomaly Detection in Full Motion Video, Matthew P. Ross
An Application of Con-Resistant Trust to Improve the Reliability of Special Protection Systems within the Smart Grid, Crystal M. Shipman
Ground Vehicle Navigation Using Magnetic Field Variation, Jeremiah A. Shockley
Electromagnetic Characterization of Inhomogeneous Media, Marcus A. Sitterly
Security Verification of Secure MANET Routing Protocols, Matthew F. Steele
Implementation of Branch-Point-Tolerant Wavefront Reconstructor for Strong Turbulence Compensation, Michael J. Steinbock
Air-to-Air Missile Vector Scoring, Nicholas Sweeney
A High Bandwidth Non-Destructive Method for Characterizing Simple Media, Matthew L. Szuster
Simultaneous Range-Velocity Processing and SNR Analysis of AFIT's Random Noise Radar, T. Joel Thorson