Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Binary Detection Using Multi-Hypothesis Log-Likelihood, Image Processing, Brent H. Gessel
Android Based Behavioral Biometric Authentication via Multi-Modal Fusion, Anthony J. Grenga
Non-Linear Optimization Applied to Angle-of-Arrival Satellite-Based Geolocation, Stephen D. Hartzell
Opportunistic Access in Frequency Hopping Cognitive Radio Networks, Ethan S. Hennessey
Selective Dry Etch for Defining Ohmic Contacts for High Performance ZnO TFTs, Matthew L. Herold
A Quantification of the 3D Modeling Capabilities of the Kinect Fustion Algorithm, Jeremy M. Higbee
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Through N-best List, Jordan S. Keefer
Complexity, Heuristic, and Search Analysis for the Games of Crossings and Epaminondas, David W. King Jr.
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Two Dimensional Radio Frequency Metamaterials, Russell P. Krones
Radio Frequency Fingerprinting Techniques through Preamble Modification in IEEE 802.11b, Nicholas J. Kulesza
Characterization and Performance Comparison of Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Push-Pull and traveling-wave Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulators, Tristan A. Latchu
Terrain Referenced Navigation Using SIFT Features in LiDAR Range-Based Data, Matthew T. Leines
An Artificial Neural Network-based Decision-Support System for Integrated Network Security, Tyrone A. Lewis
A Recommender System in the Cyber Defense Domain, Katherine B. Lyons
Vulnerability Analysis of the MAVLink Protocol for Command and Control of Unmanned Aircraft, Joseph A. Marty
Estimation and Coordination of Sequence Patterns for Frequency Hopping Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, Curtis C. Medve
Characterizing and Optimizing the Performance of the MAESTRO 49-core Processor, Eric W. Mote
Large Scale Hierarchical K-Means Based Image Retrieval With MapReduce, William E. Murphy
Outperforming Game Theoretic Play with Opponent Modeling in Two Player Dominoes, Michael M. Myers
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Photoacoustic (PA) Detector of Terahertz (THz) Radiation for Chemical Sensing, Richard A. Newberry
Advances in SCA and RF-DNA Fingerprinting Through Enhanced Linear Regression Attacks and Application of Random Forest Classifiers, Hiren J. Patel
Scalable System Design for Covert MIMO Communications, Jason R. Pennington
Enhanced Polarimetric Radar Imaging Using Cross-Channel Coupling Constraints, Andrea E. Perhai
Bayesian Methods and Confidence Intervals for Automatic Target Recognition of SAR Canonical Shapes, Richard W. Rademacher
Improved Wireless Security through Physical Layer Protocol Manipulation and Radio Frequency Fingerprinting, Benjamin W. Ramsey
Nondestructive Electromagnetic Characterization of Uniaxial Materials, Neil G. Rogers
Simulated Assessment of Interference Effects in Direct Sequence SpreadSpectrum (DSSS) QPSK Receiver, Luis S. Rojas
Blind Demodulation of Pass Band OFDMA Signals and Jamming Battle Damage Assessment Utilizing Link Adaptation, Nicholas A. Rutherford
Programmable Logic Controller Modification Attacks for Use in Detection Analysis, Carl D. Schuett
Complex VLSI Feature Comparison for Commercial Microelectronics Verification, Michael K. Seery
Radio Frequency Emitter Geolocation Using Cubesats, Andrew J. Small
REDIR: Automated Static Detection of Obfuscated Anti-Debugging Techniques, Adam J. Smith
Image-Aided Navigation Using Cooperative Binocular Stereopsis, Justin T. Soeder
The Scattering of Partially Coherent Electromagnetic Beam Illumination from Statistically Rough Surfaces, Mark F. Spencer
Contact Resistance Evolution and Degradation of Highly Cycled Micro-Contacts, Christopher L. Stilson
A Comparison of RF-DNA Fingerprinting Using High/Low Value Receivers with ZigBee Devices, Tyler D. Stubbs
A Test Methodology for Evaluating Cognitive Radio Systems, Jared J. Thompson
Development of Adaptive Tilt Tracker that Utilizes QUAD-cell Detector to Track Extended Objects, Issac J. Thornton
Passive RF Tomography: Signal Processing and Experimental Validation, Thang M. Tran
Automated Driftmeter Fused with Inertial Navigation, Allan D. Tuma
Airborne Wireless Communication Modeling and Analysis with MATLAB, Matthew J. Vincie
Removing Parallax-Induced False Changes in Change Detection, Karmon M. Vongsy
Behavioral Profiling of SCADA Network Traffic using Machine Learning Algorithms, Jessica R. Werling
Carbon Nanotube Growth Rate Regression using Support Vector Machines and Artificial Neural Networks, Nicholas M. Westing
Distinguishing Internet-facing ICS devices using PLC programming information, Paul M. Williams
Signal Processing in Cold Atom Interferometry-Based INS, Kara M. Willis
PLC Hardware Discrimination using RF-DNA fingerprinting, Bradley C. Wright
Textile Fingerprinting for Dismount Analysis in the Visible, Near, and Shortwave Infrared Domain, Jennifer S. Yeom
Selectively Tuning a Buckled Si/SiO2 Membrane MEMS through Joule Heating Actuation and Mechanical Restriction, Kyle K. Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
High Frequency Magnetic Field Direction Finding Using MGL-S8A B-dot Sensors, Michael D. Archer
Computer Based Behavioral Biometric Authentication via Multi-Modal Fusion, Kyle O. Bailey
Classification of Encrypted Web Traffic Using Machine Learning Algorithms, William C. Barto
Firmware Counterfeiting and Modification Attacks on Programmable Logic Controllers, Zachary H. Basnight
Laser Illuminated Imaging: Multiframe Beam Tilt Tracking and Deconvolution Algorithm, David J. Becker
Photoacoustic Detection of Terahertz Radiation for Chemical Sensing and Imaging Applications, Stjepan Blazevic
Learning Enterprise Malware Triage from Automatic Dynamic Analysis, Jonathan S. Bristow
Cloud Computing Trace Characterization and Synthetic Workload Generation, Salvatore Capra
Characterization of Metal-Insulator-Transition (MIT) Phase Change Materials (PCM) for Reconfigurable Components, Circuits, and Systems, Brent L. Danner
Real-time Heading Estimation using Perspective Features, James W. Dean
Machine Conscious Architecture for State Exploitation and Decision Making, Mark M. Derriso
Estimating and Measuring Application Latency of Typical Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) - Based Simulation Architecture, Ryan L. Drinkwater
Using RF-DNA Fingerprints to Discriminate ZigBee Devices in an Operational Environment, Clay K. Dubendorfer
Cognitive Augmentation for Network Defense, James E. Emge
Format Preserving Encryption: Evaluating FFX for Use Within the NextGen Air Traffic Control System, Cindy D. Finke
Rootkit Detection Using A Cross-View Clean Boot Method, Bridget N. Flatley
Applied Hypergame Theory for Network Defense, Alan S. Gibson
MEMS Cantilever Sensor for THz Photoacoustic Chemical Sensing and Spectroscopy, Nathan E. Glauvitz
Examining Application Components to Reveal Android Malware, John B. Guptill
Passive MIMO Radar Detection, Daniel E. Hack
Automatic Modulation Classification of Common Communication and Pulse Compression Radar Waveforms using Cyclic Features, John A . Hadjis
Mobile Network Defense Interface for Cyber Defense and Situational Awareness, James C. Hannan
Information Encoding on a Pseudo Random Noise Radar Waveform, Joshua A . Hardin
All-Optical Logic Gates and Wavelength Conversion Via the Injection-Locking of a Fabry-Perot Semiconductor Laser, Evan P. Harvey
Side-channel Analysis of Subscriber Identity Modules, John A. Hearle
Improving Bandwidth Utilization in a 1 Tbps Airborne MIMO Communications Downlink, Jonathan D. Hill
Emulation of Industrial Control Field Device Protocols, Robert M. Jaromin
A Formal Approach to Vulnerability Discovery in Binary Programs, William B. Kimball
Development of a Model and Localization Algorithm for Received Signal Strength-Based Geolocation, Amanda S. King
Development of a Response Planner Using the UCT Algorithm for Cyber Defense, Michael P. Knight
RF Emitter Tracking and Intent Assessment, Benjamin J. Kuhar
Constitutive Parameter Measurement Using Double Ridge Waveguide, Nathan J. Lehman
Dynamic Network Topologies, Heather A. Lingg
Sensitivity Analysis of an Automated Calibration Routine for Airborne Cameras, Philip E. Lorenzini
A Study of Dim Object Detection for the Space Surveillance Telescope, Stephen D. Maksim
Error Characterization of Vision-Aided Navigation Systems, Daniel A . Marietta
An Architecture for Coexistence with Multiple Users in Frequency Hopping Cognitive Radio Networks, Ryan K. McLean
Enhancing Electromagnetic Side-Channel Analysis in an Operational Environment, David P. Montminy
Evaluating the Effectiveness of IP Hopping via an Address Routing Gateway, Ryan A . Morehart
The Miniaturization of the AFIT Random Noise Radar, Aaron T. Myers
Improving Multiple Surface Range Estimation of a 3-Dimensional FLASH LADAR in the Presence of Atmospheric Turbulence, Brian J. Neff
Image Annotation and Topic Extraction Using Super-Word Latent Dirichlet, George E. Noel III
Spectral Detection of Acute Mental Stress with VIS-SWIR Hyperspectral Imagery, Elizabeth K. Norvell
Evaluation of Cyber Sensors for Enhancing Situational Awareness in the ICS Environment, Jeremy R. Otis
Metamaterial Structure Design Optimization: A Study of the Cylindrical Cloak, Jason V. Paul
Atmospheric Impact on Long Pulse Laser Detection and Ranging (LADAR) Systems, Isaac B. Putnam
Inertial Navigation System Aiding Using Vision, James O. Quarmyne
Modeling Cyber Situational Awareness through Data Fusion, Evan L. Raulerson
Detection Optimization of the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation Algorithm Used in Infrasound Nuclear Treaty Monitoring, Anthony M. Runco
A Multi Agent System for Flow-Based Intrusion Detection, David A . Ryan
Material Characterization Using Passive Multispectral Polarimetric Imagery, Melissa A . Sawyer