"Wideband Signal Detection Using a Down-Converting Channelized Receiver" by Willie H. Mims

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Michael A. Temple, PhD


Ultra wideband (UWB) signals typically occupy a very large spectral bandwidth resulting from extremely short duration pulses. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) signals typically occupy a large spectral bandwidth resulting from spreading methods. Both signals can be difficult to detect without having prior knowledge of their structure and/or existence. This research develops and evaluates techniques for the non-cooperative (non-matched filter) detection of such signals. Impulse-like UWB and DSSS signals are received in an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel and are assessed using a bandpass filtered, down-converting (BPF-D/C) channelized receiver architecture. Modeling and simulation are conducted to characterize BPF-D/C channelized receiver detection performance, which is compared with the performance of two other non-cooperative detection receivers: a previously-introduced down-converting (D/C) channelized receiver and a conventional radiometer. The BPF-D/C channelized receiver detection performance for both signals of interest is shown to depend on the initial phase of the down-conversion mixers. There are usually some combinations of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and channel bandwidth where the BPF-D/C channelized receiver outperforms the radiometer and D/C channelized receiver for a UWB pulse. For a DSSS waveform, detection performance using the BPF-D/C channelized receiver is consistently poorer than radiometric detection.

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