"Blind Deconvolution of Anisoplanatic Images Collected by a Partially C" by Adam MacDonald

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Stephen C. Cain, PhD


Coherent imaging systems offer unique benefits to system operators in terms of resolving power, range gating, selective illumination and utility for applications where passively illuminated targets have limited emissivity or reflectivity. This research proposes a novel blind deconvolution algorithm that is based on a maximum a posteriori Bayesian estimator constructed upon a physically based statistical model for the intensity of the partially coherent light at the imaging detector. The estimator is initially constructed using a shift-invariant system model, and is later extended to the case of a shift-variant optical system by the addition of a transfer function term that quantifies optical blur for wide fields-of-view and atmospheric conditions. The estimators are evaluated using both synthetically generated imagery, as well as experimentally collected image data from an outdoor optical range. The research is extended to consider the effects of weighted frame averaging for the individual short-exposure frames collected by the imaging system. It was found that binary weighting of ensemble frames significantly increases spatial resolution.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

