ANT Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Model-Based Control Using Model and Mechanization Fusion Techniques for Image-Aided Navigation, Constance D. Hendrix
Implementation of Collaborative RF Localization Using a Software-Defined Radio Network, Augustine A. Honore
Abstracting GIS Layers from Hyperspectral Imagery, Torsten E. Howard
Satellite-Based Fusion of Image/Inertial Sensors for Precise Geolocation, Neil R. Jesse
A Feasibility Study of a Persistent Monitoring System for the Flight Deck of U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers, Jeffrey S. Johnston
Using a Multiobjective Approach to Balance Mission and Network Goals within a Delay Tolerant Network Topology, Anthony L. Larweck
Unified Behavior Framework in an Embedded Robot Controller, Stephen S. Lin
Exploitation of Geographic Information Systems for Vehicular Destination Prediction, Richard T. Muster
The Navigation Potential of Ground Feature Tracking, Guner Mutlu
Adaptive Control of Woofer-Tweeter Adaptive Optics, Jimmie J. Perez
An Investigation into the Feasibility of Using a Modern Gravity Gradient Instrument for Passive Aircraft Navigation and Terrain Avoidance, Marshall M. Rogers
Centralized Cooperative Control for Route Surveillance with Constant Communication, Joseph D. Rosal
Automated Knowledge Generation with Persistent Surveillance Video, Daniel T. Schmitt
UAS Collision Avoidance Algorithm that Minimizes the Impact on Route Surveillance, Austin L. Smith
Electronic Image Stabilization for Mobile Robotic Vision Systems, Michael John Smith
System Identification of an on Orbit Spacecraft's Antenna Dynamics, Christopher M. Sylvester
Image Processing for Multiple-Target Tracking on a Graphics Processing Unit, Michael A. Tanner
Using Predictive Rendering as a Vision-Aided Technique for Autonomous Aerial Refueling, Adam D. Weaver
Precision Navigation Using Pre-Georegistered Map Data, Frederick C. Webber
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Dynamic Behavior Sequencing in a Hybrid Robot Architecture, Jeffrey P. Duffy
Tightly Integrating Optical and Inertial Sensors for Navigation Using the UKF, Sedat Ebcin
Digital Signal Processing Leveraged for Intrusion Detection, Theodore J. Erickson
Behavior-Based Power Management in Autonomous Mobile Robots, Charles A. Fetzek
Optimal Guidance of a Relay MAV for ISR Support Beyond Line-of-Sight, John H. Hansen
A Novel Communications Protocol Using Geographic Routing for Swarming UAVs Performing a Search Mission, Robert L. Lidowski