Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Space Maneuver Vehicle Orbital Mission Planner: Development of Application and Analysis of On-Demand Maneuvering Ability, Shon P. Williams
Technology Selection for the Air Force Research Laboratory Air Vehicles Directorate: An Analysis Using Value Focused Thinking, Michael F. Winthrop
Implementation of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Shock Code Based Upon the Weighted Average Flux Method, Mark P. Wittig
Reverse Engineering of Foreign Missiles via Genetic Algorithm, Jon D. Wollam
Implementation of an Activity-Based Costing System in an Air Force Laboratory Environment, Jayson M. Wrona and Martin Memminger
An Integrated Synthetic Aperture Radar/Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System for Target Geolocation Improvement, Brian J. Young
Timed Safety Automata and Logic Conformance, Frank C. D. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Forecasting Market Index Performance Using Population Demographics, Bradley J. Alden
Monotonic and Fatigue Behavior of 2-D Woven Ceramic Matrix Composite at Room and Elevated Temperatures (Blackglas/Nextel 312), Musa Al-Hussein
Flight Test and Handling Qualities Analysis of a Longitudinal Flight Control System Using Multiobjective Techniques, John R. Anderson
Application of Decision Analysis to Evaluate Alternative Research and Development Investments, Michael J. Artelli
Security Assistance to South Korea: Assessment of Political, Military, and Economic Issues from 1947 to 1989, Myung R. Bae
Calculating a Value for Dominant Battlespace Awareness, Eric A. Beene
An Assessment of Factors That Affect the Performance of Air Force O-3 (Captain) Logisticians Working in a Joint Operations Environment, Jeffrey C. Bergdolt and Ty K. Sills
An Exploratory Study of the Use of Parametric Estimating in Department of Defense Contracting, Patricia Blakely and Rudolph Haynesworth
Parameter Estimation of the Mixed Generalized Gamma Distribution Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Minimum Distance Estimation, Dean G. Boerrigter
A VFT Approach to Allocation of Manpower and Budget Cuts, Thomas G. Boushell
Military Members Responses to Sexually Harassing Behavior: Response Types and Efficacies, Michael W. Braucher
A Decision Theoretic Approach for Interface Agent Development, Scott M. Brown
Software Support Cost Estimating Models: A Comparative Study of Model Content and Parameter Sensitivity, Kevin L. Brummert and Philip R. Mischler Jr.
Sensitivity Analysis of Brawler Pilot Skill Levels, Daniel C. Buschor
Development and Packaging of Microsystems Using Foundry Services, Jeffrey T. Butler
A Definition and Investigation of Cooperative Acquisition Programs Using Multiple Case Studies, Robert T. Butz
Effects of Shiftwork on Air Force Aircraft Maintenance Personnel, Craig A. Campbell
Performance of Imaging Laser Radar in Rain and Fog, Kathleen M. Campbell