Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Regression Analysis of Radar Measured Optical Turbulence with Synoptic Scale Meteorological Variables, Diana L. Hajek
Design of the Computer Subsystem for the AFIT Simulation Satellite (SIMSAT), Michael P. Hanke
General Logistics Paradigm: A Study of the Logistics of Alexander, Napoleon, and Sherman, Richard Alan Hardemon
Evaluation of Satellite Microwave Derived Surface Temperature Algorithms for the Period August 1996 to February 1997, Charles H. Harris
Investigating Sorbent Geometry Response Surfaces from Sorption Rate Data, H. Michael Harrison
Strategic Planning Within the Department of Defense: A Focus on Strategic Hierarchical Consistency, Thomas E. Hartzell
Three-Dimensional Calculation of Contaminant Transport in Groundwater at a Dover AFB Site, Tariq O. Hashim
Effects of Group Support Systems on United States Air Force Strategic Planning Efforts, Bryan K. Hasty
Technology Transfer in Poland: An Investment of U.S. Government, U.S. Corporate, and Polish Government Strategies, Susan E. Hays
Media Selection in the Air Force Environment: How Communications Requirements Influence Effectiveness as an Outcome of Media Choice, David L. Hillman
An Evaluation of Frequency Domain Ensemble Averaging to Improve Aircraft Stability Derivative Estimation, Lawrence M. Hoffman
A Model to Forecast Civilian Personnel Inventory for the National Security Agency, Stephen G. Hoffman
A Descriptive Study of Information Operations and Information Warfare Awareness in the United States Air Force, Ryan D. Hollman
Nowcasting Thunderstorms at Cape Canaveral, Florida, Using an Improved Neumann-Pfeffer Thunderstorm Index, Cindy L. Howell
Electro-Mechanical Fatigue Behavior of a Quasi-Isotropic Laminate with an Embedded Piezoelectric Actuator, Tse Lin Hsu
An Examination of the United States Air Service's Logistics Operations, Andrew W. Hunt
Evaluation of the Performance of the Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement for ROKAF, Mansik Hur
Republic of Korea Weapons Acquisition through the Post-Cold War and the Case of the Sam-X Project: Implications for US-ROK Relations, George A. Hutchinson
Assessing Air Force Major Command Awareness of and Plans for Dealing with the Impact of Technological Obsolescence on Long-Term Storage and Retrieval of Digital Information, Jonathan B. Ireland
Building a Conceptual Model to Define the F-22 Supply Support Decision Process, Steven P. James
The Commercialization of Space Transportation: Exploring the Impact of the National Space Transportation Policy, Thomas L. Johnson
The Simulation, Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Local Area Networks Supporting the IEEE 802.11 Standard, Jaikwan Joo
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Characteristics: An Examination of Managerial Perceptions of Effective Contracting Officers, Todd S. Joyner and Brian V. Ucciardi
How to Develop an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual: An Industry Perspective, Ali N. Karabulut and Hilmi Oz
A Value Focused Thinking Approach to Academic Course Scheduling, Shane A. Knighton