Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
The Commercialization of Space Transportation: Exploring the Impact of the National Space Transportation Policy, Thomas L. Johnson
The Simulation, Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Local Area Networks Supporting the IEEE 802.11 Standard, Jaikwan Joo
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other Characteristics: An Examination of Managerial Perceptions of Effective Contracting Officers, Todd S. Joyner and Brian V. Ucciardi
How to Develop an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual: An Industry Perspective, Ali N. Karabulut and Hilmi Oz
A Value Focused Thinking Approach to Academic Course Scheduling, Shane A. Knighton
An Analysis of A-76 Study Effectiveness, Joshua M. Kovich
The Influence of Surface Roughness on Supersonic High Reynolds Number Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow, Robert M. Latin
Impact of Facilitator Co-Location and Alignment on the Efficacy of Group Support Systems Employed in a Distributed Setting, Jeffrey A. Lea
A Web-based Prototype for AFIT Edplan Administration, Tien-Chen Lee
A Network Disruption Modeling Tool, James A. Leinart
Cross-Resolution Combat Model Calibration Using Bootstrap Sampling, Bryan S. Livergood
Forecasting Wet Microbursts Associated with Summertime Airmass Thunderstorms over the Southeastern United States, James B. Mackey
Measuring the Long-Term Effects of Action Workouts, Jonathan D. Malone
A Three-Dimensional 463L Pallet Packing Model and Algorithm, Wesley E. Manship Jr. and Jennifer L. Tilley
Real Time Detection of Anomalous Satellite Behavior Has Ground Based Telescope Images, Geoffrey S. Maron
A Return on Investment Model for Air Force Technology Transfer, Bradley W. McDonald
High Amplitude Tracking Control, Joseph W. McNamee
A Forecasting Approach to Improve Logistics Planning in the Colombian Air Force, Daniel A. Melendez
The Interaction of FEMA with Air Force Stateside Contingency Contracting Operations, Jeffrey A. Merchant
Measuring the Effect of RFID Technology on Movement of U.S. Army Resupply Cargo, Leigh E. Method
Modified Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation (M3AE) for Simultaneous Parameter and State Estimation, Mikel M. Miller
Development of a Discrete Ordinates Code System for Unstructured Meshes of Tetrahedral Cells, with Serial and Parallel Implementations, Rodney L. Miller
Optimizing the Efficiency of a Multi-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor: An Application of Stage-Wise Optimization, Shawn A. Miller
Improving Algorithmic Efficiency of Aircraft Engine Design for Optimal Mission Performance, Paul T. Millhouse
Data Storage Devices for Air Force Space Command: A Comparative Analysis, Darryl E. Mosley