Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Kinetics of higher lying Rb states after, Pulsed excitation of the D2 transition in the Presence of Helium, Austin J. Wallerstein
Methods to Address Extreme Class Imbalance in Machine Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems, Russell W. Walter
Improving System Design Through the Integration of Human Systems and Systems Engineering Models, Michael E. Watson
Radial Basis Function Based Quadrature over Smooth Surfaces, Maloupu L. Watts
Field-based Phase Retrieval Using Under-sampled Data, Tatsuki L. Watts
Influence of Coolant Flow Rate Parameters in Scaling Gas Turbine Cooling Effectiveness, Connor J. Wiese
Military Applications of High-Altitude Satellite Orbits in a Multi-Body Dynamical Environment Using Numerical Methods and Dynamical Systems Theory, Meredith M. Wilmer
Increased Capacity Utilizing Aggregation and Consolidation of Contingency Cargo, Cassidy L. Wilson
Optimizing Allocation of U.S. Humanitarian Civic Assistance Projects in Support of Developing Foreign Democracy, Christopher E. Wittman
Determining the Degree of the Routinization of Additive Manufacturing in the Air Logistics Complexes, Candis A. Woods
An OpenEaagles Framework Extension for Hardware-in-the-Loop Swarm Simulation, Derek B. Worth
Orbit Determination Using Vinti's Solution, Steven P. Wright
Analysis of Small Muscle Movement Effects on EEG Signals, Erhan E. Yanteri
Scientometric Analysis of Technology & Innovation Management Literature, Kadir Yildiz
Framework for Evaluating the Readiness of Cyber First Responders Responsible for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Jungsang Yoon
Evaluation of Hydrothermally Synthesized Uranium Dioxide for Novel Semiconductor Applications, Christopher M. Young
A Framework for Incorporating Insurance into Critical Infrastructure Cyber Risk Strategies, Derek R. Young
Application of Non-Rated Line Officer Attrition Levels and Career Field Stability, Christine L. Zens
Minimum-Fuel Trajectory Design in Multiple Dynamical Environments Utilizing Direct Transcription Methods and Particle Swarm Optimization, Alfredo G. Zurita Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices for the Detection of Magnetic Flux and Application to Airborne High Frequency Direction Finding, Travis P. Abeita
Optimization of Turkish Air Force SAR Units’ Forward Deployment Points for a Central Based SAR Force Structure, Mustafa Acar
Autonomous Experimentation of Carbon Nanotubes Using Response Surface Methods, William Adorno III
A Nonequilibrium Finite-Rate Carbon Ablation Model for Radiating Earth Re-entry Flows, Christopher R. Alba