"Civil Engineer Company Grade Officer Training Needs Analysis for Conti" by Brian S. Greszler

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Gregory D. Hammond, PhD.


In terms of active duty personnel, the USAF is the smallest it has ever been since its creation in 1947. With fewer personnel to accomplish essential tasks, the training of Airmen is more important than ever. Outdated and irrelevant training can lead to gaps in the knowledge of trainees. The purpose of this research was to analyze the training needs of Civil Engineer (CE) Company Grade Officers (CGOs) in the contingency environment. This was done by first conducting a Job Analysis (JA). The JA resulted in a list of 36 critical tasks and 58 important Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs). The tasks rated most critical were those associated with presenting information to superiors, project management, construction management, and operations and maintenance. The most important KSAs included the ability to work in teams, critical thinking, time and stress management, and leadership. These results were used to create a test instrument to assess contingency job knowledge in a sample of 64 CE CGOs. The lowest scoring areas of the test included Prime BEEF concepts, joint forces, enlisted CE AFSC knowledge, contingency construction standards, general construction activities, reach-back resources, deployed leadership, project scheduling, BOS-I and SAA, contingency base types, contract types, and construction inspection. The knowledge gaps represented the training needs for CE CGOs in the contingency environment. The career field should consider the findings of this research when making decisions regarding the content of future contingency training curriculums for CE CGOs.

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