Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Efficient Employment of Large Format Sensor Data Transfer Architectures, Jeffrey R. Oltmanns
Population Density Measurements of the Excited States of an Optically Excited Argon Discharge Using Emission and Absorption Spectroscopy, Steven A. Owens
Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder through Brain Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Kyle A. Palko
Optimizing Forecasting Methods for USTRANSCOM Railcar Demands, James M. Park
Analysis of a Near Real-Time Optimal Attitude Control for Satellite Simulators, Ryan M. Patrick
Multihop Rendezvous Algorithm for Frequency Hopping Cognitive Radio Networks, John A. Pavlik
Air Force Project Risk Management – The Impact of Inconsistent Processes, Eric J. Perez
Effectiveness Based Design of a Tactical Tanker Aircraft, Andrew K. Petry
Creep of Hi-Nicalon™ S Ceramic Fiber Tows at 700°C in Air and in Silicic Acid-saturated Steam, Matthew W. Piper
A Model of Ambient Noise Caused by Wind Flow, Jovan Popovich
Radiation Effects on an Active Ytterbium-doped Fiber Laser, Adam C. Poulin
Design and Flight Test of A Weapons-cavity Acoustics And Separation Test Bed, Zachary Probst
Cyberspace and Organizational Structure: An Analysis of the Critical Infrastructure Environment, Michael D. Quigg II
Implementation and Performance of Factorized Backprojection on Low-cost Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Hardware, Alec C. Rasmussen
Conceptual Architecture to Measure the Effects of Subauroral Polarization Streams on Radar Operations, Shayla K. Redmond
Laminar Flame Combustion Diagnostics Using Imaging Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Michael R. Rhoby
An Information Theoretic Investigation Of Complex Adaptive Supply Networks With Organizational Topologies, Joshua V. Rodewald
Analysis of Software Design Patterns in Human Cognitive Performance Experiments, Alexander C. Roosma
Using Approximate Dynamic Programming to Solve the Stochastic Demand Military Inventory Routing Problem with Direct Delivery, Ethan L. Salgado
Factors Influencing Skill Retention in Multi-Skilled Air Force Aircraft Maintainers, Jessica A. Salgado
A Time-Variant Value-Focused Methodology for Supporting Pre-Acquisition, Brian K. Scheller
Hardware Development and Error Characterisation for the AFIT RAIL SAR System, Dayne A. Schmidt
Improved Performance by the TIE-GCM with the Inclusion of Helium as a Major Species, Fredrick R. Schmidt
Position and Volume Estimation of Atmospheric Nuclear Detonations from Video Reconstruction, Daniel T. Schmitt
Comparison of Methods for Radio Position of Non-Emitting Dismounts, Collin J. Seanor