Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
A Methodology for the Characterization and Management of Nonpoint Source Water Pollution, David M. Praner and Gordon M. Sprewell
Feature Extraction and Classification of FLIR Imagery Using Relative Locations of Non-Homogeneous Regions with Feedforward Neural Networks, Kevin L. Priddy
A Sensitivity Analysis of Circular Error Probable Approximation Techniques, Peter Puhek
Software Support Measurement and Estimating for Oracle Database Applications Using Mark II Function Points, Steven D. Radnov
Digital Signal Processing Using Lapped Transforms with Variable Parameter Windows and Orthonormal Bases, Brian D. Raduenz
Creating and Manipulating a Domain-Specific Formal Object Base to Support a Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Mary Anne Randour
Pollution Prevention, An Investment Decision Model to Assess Financial Feasibility for Application to Air Force Processes, Debra S. Rankin and Clare R. Mendelsohn
A Radiosity Approach to Realistic Image Synthesis, Richard L. Remington
Collisional Detachment of Anions using Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry, Kevin B. Riehl
Design and Construction of a Channel Electron Multiplier Based Mossbauer Spectroscopy System, Daniel J. Robbins
Radar Cross Section Models for Limited Aspect Angle Windows, Mark C. Robinson
A Toposcopic Investigation of Brain Electrical Activity Induced by Motion Sickness, Dwight A. Roblyer
Open and Filled Hole Static Tensile Strength Characterization of Metal Matrix Composite SCS-9/β21s, Jacob T. Roush
Entity-Relationship versus Object-Oriented Modeling and the Underlying DBMS, Kevin J. Routhier
Automated Face Recognition System, Kenneth R. Runyon
Baseline Experiments on Coulomb Damping due to Rotational Slip, John P. Santacroce
Output Frequency Changes in a Commercial Rubidium Clock Resulting from Magnetic Field and Microwave Power Variations, Edward B. Sarosy
Development of an Analog MIMO Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) CAD Package, Richard R. Sating
SABER: Airland Combat Training Model Credibility Assessment and Methodology, David L. Scagliola
Enhancement of Audio Localization Cue Synthesis by Adding Environmental and Visual Cues, Eric L. Scarborough
Development of a Prototype Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Research Management System (ARMS), David N. Schaaf and Carl W. Scott
Passive Damping of a Solar Array, Mark A. Scharpen
Locating an Imaging Radar in Canada for Identifying Spaceborne Objects, William G. Schick