Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Development of a Unit Cost Model for the AFIT PCE Program, Darryl W. Walton and Jeffrey K. Young
Data Reduction with Least Squares Differential Correction Using Equinoctial Elements, Michael S. Wasson
Behavior of a Centrally Notched Cross-Ply and Unidirectional Ceramic Matrix Composite in Tension-Compression Fatigue, William A. Weidenaar
Correlation Based Target Location and Identification, Richard A. Wenzel
Signal Approximation with a Wavelet Neural Network, Charles M. Westphal
An Intelligent Real-Time System Architecture Implemented in ADA, Michael A. Whelan
An Analysis of Contract Cost Overruns and Their Impacts, Brian D. Wilson
A Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics Computer Programs for Hypersonic Propulsive Nozzle Flowfields, Kennedy B. Wilson Jr.
Scientific Visualization of Volumetric Radar Cross Section Data, Thomas G. Wojszynski
X-AAARF An X Windows Version of the AFIT Algorithm Animation Research Facility, Charles R. Wright Jr.
Design Recovery for Software Library Population, Chester A. Wright Jr.
Formalizing, Validating, and Verifying Real-Time System Requirements with Reacto and VHDL, Frank C. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Application of Low Thrust Propulsion Techniques to Satellite Attitude Control Systems, Jeffrey J. Abbott
Investigation of a Flux-Difference-Splitting Numerical Method in Supersonic Nozzles, Danny P. Allen
Thrust Vector Control of an Overexpanded Supersonic Nozzle Using Pin Insertion and Rotating Airfoils, Curtis R. Amble
LQG Control of a Deformable Mirror Adaptive Optics System with Time- Delayed Measurements, David J. Anderson
A Dynamic Computer Graphics Model of Satellite Orbits for Use in Instruction and Analysis, John P. Anton
GPS/INS Integration for Improved Aircraft Attitude Estimates, Daniel T. Bagley
Investigative Search of Quality Historical Software Support Cost Data and Software Support Cost-Related Data, Brent L. Barber
Analysis of the Effects of Removing Nose Ballast from the F-15 Eagle, Richard L. Bennett
Application of Finite Element Modeling and Analysis to the Design of Positive Pressure Oxygen Masks, Bruce H. Bitterman
Discrete Simulation of Fractional Order Systems, Jeffrey A. Blank
A Delphi Forecast of 1996 Roles: Air Force Institute of Technology Information Resource Management Graduates Assigned to Base Level, David O. Block
Implementation of an Object-Oriented Flight Simulator D.C. Electrical System on a Hypercube Architecture, Guy R. Booth
A Formal Definition of the Object-Oriented Paradigm for Requirements Analysis, Andrew D. Boyd