Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Neural Networks for Dynamic Flight Control, Ronald E. Setzer
Handwritten Word Recognition Based on Fourier Coefficients, Gary F. Shartle
Theater Airlifter Survivability on the Ground, Michael A. Silver
Binaural Room Simulation, Brian A. Smith
A Feasibility Study of Burning Waste Paper in Coal-Fired Boilers on Air Force Installations, Kenneth P. Smith
ObjectSim - A Reusable Object Oriented DIS Visual Simulation, Mark I. Snyder
Graphical Tools for Situational Awareness Assistance for Large Battle Spaces, Brian B. Soltz
A Methodology to Assess the Impact of the Global Positioning System on Air Combat Outcomes, Stephen F. Sovaiko
Effects of Crenulations on Three Dimensional Losses in a Linear Compressor Cascade, William L. Spacy II
A Generalized Simulation Model for a Typical Medical Treatment Facility Obstetrical Unit, Annette M. Stephens
Optimal Control Design Advantages Utilizing Two-Degree-of-Freedom Controllers, Michael J. Stephens
A Modified Chi-Squared Goodness-of-Fit Test for the Three-Parameter Gamma Distribution with Unknown Parameters, Thomas J. Sterle
The Integration of Tanker Aircraft Into ASLAR, John S. Stieven
Defining Acquisition Related Terms, Nancy F. Stormer and Richard A. Zigman
Improved Quality of Reconstructed Images Through Sifting of Data in Statistical Image Reconstruction, Craig A. Stoudt
An Analysis of FM Jamming and Noise Quality Measures, Timothy N. Taylor
Radome Depolarization Effects on Monopulse Receiver Tracking Performance, Michael A. Temple
The Effects of Violations of Bar Chart Standards on Managerial Decision Making, Jeanne E. Tennison and Phillip G. Puglisi
An Analysis of Estimate at Completion Models Utilizing the Defense Acquisition Executive Summary Database, Mark F. Terry and Mary M. Vanderburgh
Development of a Cost-Effectiveness Methodology to Prioritize Environmental Mitigation Projects, Robert E. Thompson
A Study of Air Force Theater-Based Contingency Contracting Training Requirements for a Power Projection Strategy, Jon B. Tigges and Thomas J. Snyder
An Empirical Evaluation of Five Circular Error Probable Estimation Techniques and a Method for Improving Them, William L. Tongue
Object Interaction in a Parallel Object-Oriented Discrete-Event Simulation, Walter G. Trachsel
Human Visual System Enhancement of Reconstructed Satellite Images, James E. Treleaven