Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Computer Simulation Study of the Joint Deployment of the 23rd Wing and 82nd Airborne Division from Pope Air Force Base, John B. Prechtel and Mark S. Wingreen
Steady Motions of Rigid Body Satellites in a Central Gravitational Field, Cynthia A. Provost
The Future SBSS: Migration of SBSS Functions from a Mainframe Environment to a Disturbed PC-Based LAN Environment, William D. Rath and Scott A. Vesper
Scheduling Air Mobility Command's Channel Cargo Missions, Gregory S. Rau
A Study of Theoretical Models for Managing Technology Change and a Comparison to a Radio Frequency Identification Implementation, Mark S. Reboulet and Phillip L. Robinson
Vadose Zone Contamination Measurement and Modeling, Thomas A. Reeder
Exploring QDES as a Tool for Determining Limits of Achievable Performance in Aircraft Design, Mark F. Reidinger
The AFIT Multielectrode Array for Neural Recording and Simulation: Design, Testing, and Encapsulation, James R. Reid Jr
Design of a Shared Coherent Cache for a Multiple Channel Architecture, John A. Reisner
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Gas Chromatograph Micromachined in a Single Crystal Silicon Substrate, Rocky R. Reston
Design of a Subsonic Envelope Flight Control System for the Vista F-16 Using Quantitative Feedback Theory, Odell R. Reynolds
Analysis of Best Management Practices for Storm Water Compliance at Air Force Airfields, Peter A. Ridilla and Bradley T. Hoagland
Bradley Fighting Vehicle Gunnery: An Analysis of Engagement Strategies for the M242 25-mm Automatic Gun, James G. Riley
A Nonlinear Three-Dimensional Micromechanics Model for Fiber-Reinforced Laminated Composites, David D. Robertson
Identification of Significant Outliers in Time Series Data, Keri L. Robinson
Feasibility Study of a Multiaperture Telescope for Deep-Space Earth Surveillance, Charles V. Rothermich
Identification of Problems Hindering Logistics Support of Commercial- Off-The-Shelf Computer Equipment, Jessie J. Rowe III and William Z. Zeck
Application of the Simplified Dow Chemical Company Relative Ranking Hazard Assessment Method for Air Combat Command Bases, Raymond A. Sable
Characterization of Fatigue Damage in a Metal Matrix Composite (SCS-6/ TI-15-3) at Elevated Temperature, Brian P. Sanders
A Method for Populating the Knowledge Base of APTAS, a Domain-Oriented Application Composition System, Raleigh A. Sandy III
A Theoretical Investigation of Electrically Tunable Birefringent Optical Filters as the Special Discriminator in Hyperspectral Imaging Systems, Duane A. Sauve
Automating Satellite Range Scheduling, S. Michael Schalck
Cost Estimating Cases: Educational Tools for Cost Analysts, Kerrie G. Schieman and James R. Passaro
Control of a Large Space Structure Using Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation and Control Techniques, Gregory J. Schiller
Rendering of Three-Dimensional Data Sets Derived from Finite-Difference and Spectral Methods, Paul A. Schubert