Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


This study analyzes the career progression rates of civilian graduates from the School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The sample includes all civilian AFIT graduates who are currently working for the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). Actual promotion rates of the AFIT graduates are compared to promotion rates for two comparison groups: AFMC civilians with a master's degree from a civilian institution; and AFMC civilians with a bachelor's degree but no graduate degree. A regression analysis is performed to study the relationship between specific factors and a graduate's future rate of promotion. The results of this analysis show that civilian AFIT graduates have promotion rates that are significantly higher than either civilian comparison group. The AFIT graduate has a higher rate of promotion than a civilian with a non-AFIT master's degree of about one- half grade, on average. It was also found that the grade point average obtained while attending AFIT is significantly related to the future rate of promotion. Other results show that being a female is negatively related to rate of promotion except for the AFIT graduate female, where the relationship is positive.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the Faculty of the School of Logistics and Acquisitions Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology

The authors' Vita pages are omitted.
