Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
A Greedy Multiple-knapsack Heuristic for Solving Air Mobility Command’s Intratheater Airlift Problem, Nicholas J. Zeisler
A Performance Analysis of a Joint LMDS/ Satellite Communication Network, Ronald J. Zwickel
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Implementation of Speech Recognition Software for Text Processing: An Exploratory Analysis, Sean P. Abell
Modeling and Analysis of Aerial Port Operations, Timothy W. Albrecht
The Effect of Action Workouts on Aircraft Mission Capability Measurements, Michael P. Allison
A Trade-Off Analysis for Quality of Service in Real-Time Voice Over IP, Tuncel Altunbasak
Exploring the Management of Outsourcing and the Determination of Civil Engineering Minimum Manning Numbers in Order to Optimize Air Force Benefits, David J. Anason
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cosolvent Flushing to Treat Groundwater Contamination Source Areas, Stacey L. Anason
An Interactive Tool for Refining Software Specifications from a Formal Domain Model, Gary L. Anderson
A Numerical Simulation of a Carbon Black Suspension Cell via a Time-Reversed, Double Layer Compute Algorithm, Gregg T. Anderson
Operational Risk Management and Military Aviation Safety, Park D. Ashley
The Impact of Acquisition Reform and Political-Fiscal Variables on Air Force GAO-Protests Processed, Raymond M. Barben
An Improved Asynchronous Implementation of a Fast Fourier Transform Architecture for Space Applications, David J. Barnhart
Visualizing Early-Stage Breast Cancer Tumors in a Mammographic Environment through a 3-Dimensional Mathematical Model, Christopher B. Bassham
Kinetic Model of a Space-Based, Br (4 2P1/2 → 4 2P3/2) Laser Pumped by Solar Photolysis of IBr, Barry N. Behnken
Analysis of a Non-Trivial Queueing Network, Kelly Scott Bellamy
Substrate Availability in Solid Waste Landfills, Brian D. Benter
Dual Channel Matched Filtering and Space-Time Adaptive Processing, Scott D. Berger
Asymmetric Load Balancing on a Heterogeneous Cluster of PCs, Christopher A. Bohn
The Quota Allocation Model: The Linear Optimization of a Markov Decision Process, David A. Brown
Performance Analysis of TCP Enhancements in Satellite Data Networks, Ren H. Broyles
Implementation of Earned Value Management Into The Software Acquisition Process, Louis D. Bryan
Biodegradation of Aircraft Deicing Fluid Components in Soil, Baron W. Burke
Towards a Game Theory Model of Information Warfare, David A. Burke