Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Mission Route Planning with Multiple Aircraft & Targets Using Parallel A* Algorithm, Ergin Sezer
Estimating Budget Relationships with a Leontief Input-Output Model, Guenever L. R. Shariff
Mixed Layer Height Estimates – A Statistical Analysis of Algorithm Performance, Lisa C. Shoemaker
Leontief Metamodeling for Military Strategic Effects, Anthony W. Snodgrass
Post-Processing Resolution Enhancement of Open Skies Photographic Imagery, Daniel E. Sperl
Monotonic and Fatigue Loading Behavior of an Oxide/Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composite, Steven G. Steel
Sensitivity Studies on a Limited Area Mesoscale Model: An Examination of Lateral Boundary Placement, Grid Resolution and Nesting Type, Robert A. Stenger
The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Interferometric Gyroscope (MiG), Jeremy P. Stringer
Organizational and Individual Effects on the Reporting of Wrongdoing in the Workplace, Brian M. Stumpe
A Pharmacokinetic Study of the Effects of Stress On Chemical Exposure, Sierra H. Suhajda
Validation and Verification of Formal Specifications in Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Steven A. Thomson
Simulations of Flowing Supercritical n-Decane, Jeffery T. Thornburg
Improving UAV Handling Qualities Using Time Delay Compensation, Andrew J. Thurling
A Study of Morning Radiation Fog Formation, Jimmie L. Trigg Jr.
Simulation Evaluation of the Combat Value of a Standoff Precision Airdrop Capability, Michael W. Varner
Optical Metrology of Adaptive Membrane Mirrors, John W. Wagner
Enhancing a Virtual Distributed Library User Interface via Server-side User Profile Caching, Jason T. Ward
Improving the Analyst and Decision-Maker’s Perspective through Uncertainty Visualization, Evan T. Watkins
Explicitly Modeling Hierarchically Heterogeneous Software Architectures in an Object-Oriented Formal Transformation System, Darin L. Williams
Use of Genetic Algorithms to Characterize Groundwater Contamination Source Areas, Chaz M. Williamson
Multiagent Systems Engineering: A Methodology for Analysis and Design of Multiagent Systems, Mark F. Wood
Covalidation of Dissimilarly Structured Models, Samuel A. Wright
A Greedy Multiple-knapsack Heuristic for Solving Air Mobility Command’s Intratheater Airlift Problem, Nicholas J. Zeisler
A Performance Analysis of a Joint LMDS/ Satellite Communication Network, Ronald J. Zwickel
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Implementation of Speech Recognition Software for Text Processing: An Exploratory Analysis, Sean P. Abell