Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Quantifying Initial Condition and Parametric Uncertainties in a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System with an Efficient Stochastic Algorithm, Daniel R. Millman
Aerodynamic Analysis of Lattice Grid Fins in Transonic Flow, Karl S. Orthner
Detonation Branching in a PDE with Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel, Kristin L. Panzenhagen
Geometric Approach to Orbital Formation Mission Design, Matthew J. Press
Optimization Process for Configuration of Flexible Joined-Wing, Cody C. Rasmussen
Vibrometric Detection of Beam Damage Due To Inclusions, Aaron J. Reifsnyder
An Assessment of Modern Methods for Rotor Track and Balance, Michael J. Renzi
Wind Tunnel Investigation of the Static Stability and Control Effectiveness of a Rotary Tail in a Portable UAV, Jose R. Rivera Parga
Analytical Solution for Low-Thrust Minimum Time Control of a Satellite Formation, John Sang-Pil Seo
Role of Plasticity on Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V, Kisu Shin
Aeroelastic Analysis of a Joined-Wing Sensorcraft, Jennifer J. Sitz
Maneuver Design for Fast Satellite Circumnavigation, Stanley D. Straight
The Physical Understanding of the Use of Coatings to Mitigate Hypervelocity Gouging Considering Real Test Sled Dimensions, Andrew G. Szmerekovsky
Systems-Level Feasibility Analysis of a Microsatellite Rendezvous with Non-Cooperative Targets, Allen R. Toso
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Modes in a Partially Constrained Plate, Robert M. Vandawaker
Ion Based Pressure Sensor for Pulse Detonation Engines, Jeffrey S. Zdenek
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Cargo Aircraft Bombing System (CABS), Gurler Ari
Cold-Flow Testing of a Subscale Model Exhaust System for a Space-Base Laser, Ian S. Bautista
Multimission Aircraft Design Study-Operational Scenarios, Nevin Coskuner
Reduction of Thermal Residual Strains in Adhesively Bonded Composite Repairs, Heather R. Crooks
Experimental Demonstration of an Algorithm to Detect the Presence of a Parasitic Satellite, Vincent J. Dabrowski
Multimission Aircraft Design Study: Electromagnetic Compatibility, Jenna M. Davis
Orbit Determination for a Microsatellite Rendezvous with a Non-Cooperative Target, Brian L. Foster
Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of Vortex Breakdown for a Delta Wing at High Angle of Attack, Jacob A. Freeman
Hybrid Control Strategies for Rapid, Large Angle Satellite Slew Maneuvers, David B. French
Analysis of Cooperative Behavior for Autonomous Wide Area Search Munitions, Orhan Gozaydin
A Comparison of Nonlinear Algorithms to Prevent Pilot-Induced Oscillations Caused by Actuator Rate Limiting, James G. Hanley
The Effect of a Hard Coating on the Damping and Fatigue Life of Titanium, Frank T. Ivancic
Multimission Aircraft Design Study, Payload, Ahmet Kahraman
Development, Fabrication and Ground Test of an Inflatable Structure Space-Flight Experiment, Thomas L. Philley Jr.
Experimental Results for a High Swirl, Ultra Compact Combustor for Gas Turbine Engines, Ryan J. Quaale
Sensor-Craft Analytical Certification, Ronald W. Roberts Jr.
Cooperative Control Simulation Validation Using Applied Probability Theory, Christopher S. Schulz
Structurally Integrated Antennas on a Joined-Wing Aircraft, Ben P. Smallwood
Nonlinear, Transonic Flutter Prediction for F-16 Stores Configuration Clearance, Raymond G. Toth
A Study of Control Laws for Microsatellite Rendezvous with a Non-Cooperative Target, Troy A. Tschirhart
Development of an Experimental Test Section for Forcing Unsteady Flow in a Linear Compressor Cascade Using Circular Rods, Patrick C. Wade
Application of Maneuver-Based Control in Variable Autonomy Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles, Alexander M. G. Walan
Experimental and Computational Failure Analysis of Graphite/Bismaleimide Laminated Composite and Carbon Foam in Sandwich Construction, Troy C. Welker
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Commercial Regional Space/Airborne Imaging, Ugur Akyazi, Ali Durmus, Birce Boga Bakirli, and Arif Arin
Fabrication and Cold-Flow Testing of Subscale Space-Based Laser Geometry, Scott E. Bergren
Boundary Layer Control Using Micro-Electromechanical systems (MEMS), David Borgeson
Periodic Methods for Controlling a Satellite in Formation, Erin Y. Carraher
Investigation of Cooperative Behavior in Autonomous Wide Search Munitions, Robert E. Dunkel III
The Combined Effects of Freestream Turbulence, Pressure Gradients, and Surface Roughness on Turbine Aerodynamics, Christine P. Ellering
Design Study of Triggered Isomer Heat Exchanger-Combustion Hybrid Jet Engine for High Altitude Flight, Christopher E. Hamilton
Suppression of Pilot-Induced Oscillation (PIO), Donald A. Johnson
The Investigation of Hypervelocity Gouging, David J. Laird
Computational Aerodynamic Analysis of the Flow Field about a Hypervelocity Test Sled, Andrew J. Lofthouse
Examination of Contact Width on Fretting Fatigue, Russell S. Magaziner
Adaptive Harmonic Balance Method for Unsteady, Nonlinear, One-Dimensional Periodic Flows, Raymond C. Maple
Mean Performance Optimization of an Orbiting Distributed Aperture by Warped Aperture Image Plane Comparisons, Timothy W. Parker
Analysis for Cooperative Behavior Effectiveness of Autonomous Wide Area Search Munitions, Sang M. Park
Alternative Pulse Detonation Engine Ignition System Investigation through Detonation Splitting, August J. Rolling
Use of Dimples to Suppress Boundary Layer Separation on a Low Pressure Turbine Blade, Kurt P. Rouser
Fretting Fatigue Behavior of a Titanium Alloy Ti-6AL-4V at Elevated Temperature, Onder Sahan
Orbital Maneuvering Using Electrodynamic Tethers, Hakan San
Experimental Vibration Analysis of Inflatable Beams for an AFIT Space Shuttle Experiment, Thomas G. Single
Smart Structures for Control of Optical Surfaces, D. Michael Sobers Jr.
Stability of a Tethered Satellite Formation about the Likins-Pringle Equilibria, Ayhan Tuncay
An Analytical Study of T-38 Drag Reduction in Tight Formation Flight, Eugene H. Wagner Jr.
Effects of Shot-Peening on High Cycle Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V, Halil I. Yuksel
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Techniques for Reduced Order Modeling of Aeroelastic Structures with Deforming Grids, John S. R. Anttonen
Fatigue Response of Thin Stiffened Aluminum Cracked Panels Repaired with Bonded Composite Patches, Jason B. Avram
The Use of Systems Engineering Processes and Tools to Develop a System Dynamic Simulation Model of Engineering Support During the Development Phase of an Acquisition Program, Jason E. Bartolomei
Estimation of Relative Satellite Formation Elements in Near Circular Orbits, Ralph E. Bordner III
Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling Issues for High Altitude Satellites, Dayne G. Cook
Environmental Disturbance Modeling for Large Inflatable Space Structures, Donald J. Davis
RIGEX: Preliminary Design of a Rigidized Inflatable Get-Away-Special Experiment, John D. DiSebastian III
Turbine Blade Surface Roughness Effects on Shear Drag and Heat Transfer, Jess W. Drab
Quality Initiatives in the Air Force Development of Reusable Launch Vehicles, Charles S. Galbreath
Prediction of Pilot Induced Oscillations (PIO) Due To Activator Rate Limiting Using the Open-Loop Onset Point (OLOP) Criterion, Gregory P. Gilbreath
Cooperative Behavior Schemes for Improving the Effectiveness of Autonomous Wide Area Search Munitions, Daniel P. Gillen
Analysis of the Application of a Triggered Isomer Heat Exchanger as a Replacement for the Combustion Chamber in an Off-The-Shelf Turbojet, Carl R. Hartsfield
A Study of Linear vs. Nonlinear Control Techniques for the Reconfiguration of Satellite Formations, David J. Irvin Jr.
Vibration Suppression of a Rotationally Periodic Structure Using an Adaptive/PPF Control Law, Mark J. Keller
Modification of Position and Attitude Determination of a Test Article through Photogrammetry to Account for Structural Deformation, Sean A. Krolikowski
Reduced Order Modeling For High Speed Flows with Moving Shocks, David J. Lucia
Desktop Computer Programs for Preliminary Design of Transonic Compressor Rotors, Brian C. McDonald
Air Vehicle Optimal Trajectories for Radar Exposure Minimization, Michael C. Novy
Concept Exploration of an Australian Indigenous Space Launch Capability, Anthony J. Rogers
Modeling Axisymmetric Optical Precision Piezoelectric Membranes, James W. Rogers Jr.
The Development of a Finite Element Program to Model High Cycle Fatigue in Isotropic Plates, William C. Shipman
Computational Investigation of Aeromechanical HCF Effects in a Compressor Rotor, Andrew L. White
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Finite Element Analysis of a Composite Cylindrical Shell with a Cutout under a Fatigue Load, Joshua T. Boatwright
Modeling Piezoceramic Twist Actuation in Single-Cell Anisotropic Torque Box of Low-Observable UAV Wing, Peter Cseke Jr.
Navigation of Satellite Clusters, Jeffrey S. Davis
An Experimental Investigation on Periodic Forced Vibrations of a Bladed Disk, Colin J. Duffield
Integrating Automated Multi-disciplinary Optimization in Preliminary Design of Non-Traditional Aircraft, Mehmet Fidanci, Jeffrey R. Miller, and Douglas J. Strauss
Attitude Control and Multimedia Representation of Air Force Institute of Technology’s (AFIT’S) Simulation Satellite (SIMSAT), Joseph M. Fulton
Damage Identification in a Real Structure Using Resonant and Anti-Resonant Frequencies, Douglas E. Gaeta
Three Dimensional Formation Flight Control, James K. Hall
Measurements of the Effects of Tunnel Wall Proximity on the Velocity Field Upstream of a Rod with Vortex Shedding in Low-Speed Flow, David R. Hopper
Active and Adaptive Control for Payload Launch Vibration Isolation, Julian R. Jarosh
Finite Element Model Updating Using Antiresonant Frequencies, Keith W. Jones
Space Range Scheduling and the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI), Alan M. Matuszak
Investigation into the Adaptation of a Steam Injector for Use on a Liquid Rocket Engine, Charles B. McFarland
Mechanics of a Functionally-Graded Titanium Matrix Composite, G. Brandt Miller
Three-Dimensional Dynamic Stress Analysis of Sandwich Panels, Victor Y. Perel