Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Computational Analysis of Transverse Jet Interactions on a Cone In Mach 3.9 Crossflow, Tia Massa
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Gaseous Fuel Combustion in a Small Turbojet, Katherine A. Ashton
Experimental and Computational Bearing Strength of Fiber Metal Laminate With and Without Film Adhesive, Christopher L. Bellanova Jr.
Suitability of Earth-Moon Triangular Lagrange Point Orbits for Space Situational Awareness, Eric P. Burkhart
Debris Survivability Study for Mega-Constellation Architectures, Joseph C. Canoy
Concept of Operations of Cislunar Mirror Satellites to Provide Augmented Lighting of Dim Space-Based Objects, Alec E. Cook
Estimation of Optimal Flight Trajectory in a Total Power Loss Scenario Using Proximal Policy Optimization, Eidahn Eliash
Anisotropic Characterization of Additively Manufactured TI 6-4 via Tension, Compression, and Three Point Bend Experimentation, James M. Gunderson
Overall Effectiveness Superposition Theory for a Film Cooled Leading Edge, Bailey W. Hopkins
Characterizing Jet Interaction Effects on a Cone in Mach 3.9 Flow, Titus J. Lee
Optimal Gyroid Infill for Space Launch, Jose R. Lopez Cordell
Optimal Control of Precision Airdrop Trajectories Using Direct Collocation and Analytical Methods, Edward J. Maxwell
Performance Analysis and Recommended Improvements of a CubeSat Resistojet, Alexander M. Petrocelli
Mechanical Properties and Performance of a Novel Nano-Engineered Unitized Composite with Quasi-Isotropic Layup, Brian Matthew Pudlo
Investigation of Hypersonic Near-Wake Relaminarization Over a 7 Degree Half-Angle Cone, Jesse L. Roberts
Shock Induced Trailing Edge Separation Effect on F-16 Limit-Cycle Oscillation, Eric D. Stubblefield
Detonation Confinement in a Second-Generation Radial Rotating Engine, John T. Ursino
Development of Novel Turbomachinery Manufacturing Methods, Timothy P. Winkler
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Investigation of Additively Manufactured Molybdenum-tungsten-Rhenium Alloys, Randolph T. Abaya
Satellite TT&C for Cubesats with Applications for Grissom-1, Michael J. Bittle
Thermal Considerations for Film Cooling Materials With Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity, Carol E. Bryant
Additive Manufacturing of Molybdenum for High Temperature Structural Applications, Megan L. Bustin
Aeroelasticity of Six Degree-of-Freedom Satellite Bus Configurations During Terminal Reentry, Jinhee F. Byun
Coupled Orbit-Attitude Dynamics and Control of a CubeSat Equipped with a Robotic Manipulator, Charles M. Carr
Design and Application of Compact Combustors in Small-Scale JetCat Engines, Nathan A. Clark
Underactuated Attitude Control of a CubeSat Using Cold Gas Thrusters and Nonlinear Control Methods, Adam S. Cottrell
Design and Testing of a Composite Compressor Rotor, Mauro Noel V. De Leon
Design of an Electro-Thermal Nanosatellite Propulsion System, James H. Founds
Performance Study of Post-processed Additively Manufactured Low Thrust Nozzles, Tyler W. Gerhold
Mechanical Properties and Tension-Tension Fatigue Behavior of a Novel Additively Manufactured Polymer Matrix Composite at Room and Elevated Temperature, Grayson M. Harber
Surrogate Modeling of Computational Aerodynamic Responses for a Generic Hypersonic Vehicle, Jacob R. Johanik
Exploratory Measurement of Recession Rates of Low Temperature Ablators Subjected to Mach 6 Flow, Ross H. Kellet
Leveraging xGEO Orbits for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness, Jay Laone
Characterizing Wake Roll-Up and Vortex Structure for Delta Wing Configuations Featuring Flow Control Devices at Low Reynolds Number, Jeffrey M. Layng
Manufacturing of a Ceramic Turbine Rotor for a Compact Jet Engine, Bryan T. Leicht
Effects of a Nitrogen and Hydrogen Build Atmosphere on the Properties of Additively Manufactured Tungsten, Dana C. Madsen
Effects of Cone Tip Changes On Wall-Cooled Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition and Turbulence, Mathew M. Major
Finite Fatigue Life Prediction of Additively Manufactured Aircraft Engine Turbine Blade with Respect to Internal Defect Size and Location, Daniel G. Miller
Double Cone Flow Field Reconstruction Between Mach 4 and 12 Using Machine Learning Techniques, Trevor A. Toros
Synthetic Aperture Sillouette Imaging for Space Domain Awareness, Lester L. Tuck IV
Development of Minimum Delta-V Trajectories to Service GEO Assets from Cislunar Space, Alexander C. Urban
Thermal Relaxation of Shot Peen Induced Residual Stresses in a Nickel-Base Superalloy, Bryce E. Van Velson
Applied Agile Digital Mission Engineering for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness, Benjamin R. Williams
Orbit Determination with Event-Based Cameras to Improve Space Domain Awareness, Conor M. Wisentaner
Analysis of Propeller Designs Focusing on Lowering Sound Pressure Level through Reduced Tip Loading, Luca A. Zeitvogel
Differential Game-Based Defensive Architecture Study Employing Ground-Based Interceptors, Stephen T. Zittrouer
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Design and Analysis of Air-Stiffened Vacuum Lighter-Than-Air Structures, Ruben Adorno-Rodriguez
Hybridized Spacecraft Attitude Control via Reinforcement Learning using Control Moment Gyroscope Arrays, Cecily C. Agu
Satellite Tracking with Neuromorphic Cameras for Space Domain Awareness, Joseph G. Bacon Jr.
Applied Reachability Analysis for Time-Optimal Spacecraft Attitude Reorientations, Layne C. Barrett
CubeSat Attitude Determination and Control System (ADACS) Characterization and Testing for Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO), Steven T. Bednarski
Autonomous Mission Planning for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Proximity Operations, Julia C. Bell
Pseudospectral Methods of Robust Optimal Motion Planning for Multi-aperture Space Systems with Motion and Vibration Compensation, Brian W. Bishop
Cislunar Debris Propagation Following a Catastrophic Spacecraft Mishap, Nathan R. Boone
Shock Migration on an Oscillating Straked Delta Wing Using an Unsteady Euler Solver, Alexander J. Brown
Fatigue of Two Oxide/oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites at 1200°C in Air and in Steam. Effect of Diamond Drilled Effusion Holes, Anthony R. Cabri
Six Degree-of-Freedom Mission Planning for Reentry Trajectories, Peter Davis
Investigation of Mirror Satellite Concept to Augment Natural Lighting Conditions on Orbit, Daniel M. Dombrowski
Deep Reinforcement Learning Applied to Spacecraft Attitude Control and Moment of Inertia Estimation via Recurrent Neural Networks, Nathaniel A. Enders
Improving Manufacturability and Reducing Cracking in Additively Manufactured Tungsten Alloys, Christopher P. Fassio
Improving the Stability and Operability of a Small-Scale Rotating Detonation Engine, Nathan T. Fiorino
Density Measurements of Neutral Xenon Using Multiphoton Ionization and Microwave Spectroscopy In a Hall Effect Thruster, Taylor J. Foy
Application of Vortex Tubes to Gas Turbine Film Cooling, Matthew N. Fuqua
Scaling Gas Turbine Film Cooling Adiabatic Effectiveness through Simultaneous Matching of Momentum Flux Ratio and Advective Capacity Ratio, Evan C. Glowiak
Safe Spacecraft Rendezvous and Proximity Operations via Reachability Analysis, Paul A. Grossi
Design, Development, and Testing of Embedded Computing on AFIT's Control & Autonomy Space Proximity Robot (CASpR), Collin A. Gwaltney
The Effect of Shot Dependency on Composite Materials Subject to Ballistic Testing, Clayton C. Hankins
Visual Navigation and Control for Spacecraft Proximity Operations with Unknown Targets, Wyatt J. Harris
Neuromorphic Vision Sensors for Space-Based Applications, Jessica L. Horn
Mechanical Properties and Performance of a Novel Nano-Engineered Unitized Composite for Aerospace Systems, Benjamin C. Lam
Static Fatigue of Hi-Nicalon™ S Ceramic Fiber Tows at 600°C in Air and Silicic Acid-Saturated Steam, Caleigh M. Nelson
Stochastic Satellite Air Drag with the Ballistic Coefficient as a Random Variable, Everett B. Palmer IV
A Reduced Order Model of The Celestial Icosahedron As The Substructure For a Lighter Than Air Vehicle, Torin C. Quick
Static Fatigue of Hi-Nicalon S Fiber Tows at 500°C in Air and in Silicic Acid-Saturated Steam, Richard J. Reinink
A Framework for Autonomous Cooperative Optimal Assignment and Control of Satellite Formations, Devin E. Saunders
Aircraft Inspection by Multirotor UAV Using Coverage Path Planning, Patrick H. Silberberg
Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Lattices under High Strain Rate Impact, Derek G. Spear
A Real-time Algorithm to Achieve Precise Coordinated Arrival Times in a Time-variant Environment, Shawn S. Stephens
Creep Behavior and Deformation Mechanisms of Spark Plasma Sintered Oxide Ceramics for Aerospace Systems at 1300˚C - 1400˚C, David D. Swanson
Optimizing Design Parameters for Active Flow Control Boundary-Layer Fence Performance Enhancement on a Delta Wing, Nathan L. Tedder
Design and Performance Characterization of a Water Propellant Resistojet Thruster, Sean M. Weathersby
Space Domain Awareness Assessment of Cislunar Periodic Orbits for Lagrange Point Surveillance, Adam P. Wilmer
Injection Studies on a Small-Scale Rotating Detonation Engine with Improved Flow Control, Jonathan J. Wyatt
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Design, Development, and Testing of a Low Cost, Additively-Manufactured, Centrifugal Compressor, Aaron P. Bauer
Alternate Materials for High-speed Projectile Casing, Andrew W. Beard
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Progressive Failure in Bolted Hybrid Composite Joints, John S. Brewer
Investigation of Factors Impacting a Helicopter Height-Velocity Diagram, Timothy A. Brown
Development of a Small Scale Rotating Detonation Engine, Joseph R. Dechert
The Effect of Passive and Active Boundary-layer Fences on Delta Wing Performance at Low Reynolds Number, Anna C. Demoret
Microturbine Turbojets: Experimental Evaluation of Commercially Available Engines, Richard A. DePaola III
Laser Shock Peening Pressure Impulse Determination via Empirical Data-Matching with Optimization Software, Colin C. Engebretsen
Investigation of Ultem 9085 for Use in Printed Orbital Structures, William R. Gallagher
Structural Dynamic and Inherent Damping Characterization of Additively Manufactured Airfoil Components, Andrew W. Goldin
Analysis of Additively Manufactured Rings Under Compression Loading for Use in a Vacuum Lighter Than Air Vehicle Structure, Kevin D. Greenoe
Experimental Measurements of Hypseronic Instabilities over Ogive-cylinders at Mach 6, Jonathan Luke Hill
Design and Analysis of a Compact Combustor for Integration with a JetCat P90 Rxi, Daniel Holobeny
Analysis for Hybrid Rocket Fuel Regression Using Stereolithographic Geometry, Michael P. King
Linear Regression Models Applied to Imperfect Information Spacecraft Pursuit-evasion Differential Games, Dax Linville