"Vibration Suppression of a Rotationally Periodic Structure Using an Ad" by Mark J. Keller

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Gregory S. Agnes, PhD


For a compressor disk, effective vibration suppression requires broadband control, and the elimination of inter-blade coupling forces. Previous researchers achieved this using an active/passive piezoelectric shunt network. Unfortunately, optimal tuning of the shunt requires prior knowledge of the coupling strength, which is not well defined. This thesis uses an adaptive parameter estimator to eliminate the inter-blade coupling forces. In addition, the passive shunt is replaced with an analogous positive position feedback method. The resulting control law was used on a simulated four and eight bladed system. While substantial reductions in system response were achieved for the Adaptive/PPF control technique, the parameter estimates did not always converge to the correct solution. Similar reductions in the response were achieved using PPF control by itself.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

