Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Global Empirical Model of Sporadic-E Occurrence Rates, Eli V. Parsch
Gamma Protection Factor for a Surrogate Armored Vehicle Exposed to the US Army Fast Burst Reactor, Ian J. Poropat
Investigation of High-Latitude GNSS Radio Occulation Sporadic-E and Auroral-E Measurements, Kyle D. Roberts
Neutron Spectrum Unfolding from Activation Foils Irradiated in Gamble II using Deuterated Polyethylene Anodes, Christopher J. Smith
Center Fixing Tropical Depressions and Tropical Storms Using Machine Learning-Nighttime Visible Imagery, Nathan K. Stanford
Feasibility Of A Zero-Length Spring Gravimeter For Use In Portal Monitoring, Matthew C. Stone
Modeling Lightning Flashes in Dissimilar Non-Homogeneous Clouds, Scott R. Wolff
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Validation of Unstructured Mesh Capability for Modeling Variable Density Objects Using MCNP®, William K. Backman
A Method for Monte Carlo Neutral Particle Radiation Transport in a Variable Density Atmosphere, Aidan B. Edens
Influence of Dilute Silicon Carbide Nanoparticle Additions to the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Molybdenum, Nathan E. Ellsworth
Towards an Understanding of the Thermodynamic Properties of CrTaO4: A Computational Perspective, Tanner B. Gordon
Pulsed Power Neutron Production with Deuterated Polymer Accelerator Targets, Anthony O. Hagey
Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Germanium Tin: Experimentally Determined Electronic Band Gap and Surface Analysis, Jeremy M. Hunter
Coupling to Quantum Topological Order in Superconducting Qubit Systems, Seth T. Hyra
Assessment of Emergency Cooling Requirement for Nuclear Reactor Loss-of-Coolant Accidents, Michael T. Lindsay
Fast Engineering Model for Defect Production in Magnesium Oxide, Henry R. Little
Material Property Dependence of Nanoparticle Silicon Carbide Alloying in Additively Manufactured Molybdenum, Andrew P. Mason
Automated Additive Layering of Vat Polymerized Plastic Organic Scintillators, Chandler J. Moore
Exploring Variations in Fast Curing Plastic Scintillator Formulations: Optimizing TPO and Evaluating the Effects of High-Z Loading and Novel Waveshifters, Andrew K. Nesbitt
Quantitative Modeling of Text-Based Intelligence Source Uncertainty, Adam D. Nesmith
Modeling Radiation Exposure on Flight Missions to Analyze Aircrew Risk, Camila V. Quintero Hilsaca
Validation of Bottom-Up GNSS Radio Occultation Method to Measure D- and E-Region Electron Density, Dylan J. Shaver
Simulation of Neutron Generation from Laser-Driven Fusion in a Liquid D2O Sheet Using Novel WARPX Module, Colton R. Stoner
Characterizing GeSn Alloys by SEM/EDS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy, Christopher M. Sutphin
Fabrication and Testing of a Novel Layered Metascintillator for Neutron and Gamma Discrimination, Evan W. Threlkeld
Non-degenerate Two-Photon Absorption and Excited State Line Shapes in Alkali Vapors, Timothy M. True
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Optimization of a Multi-Layered Target for a Pulsed Power Neutron Source, Zachary D. Bretz
Applications of a Lightning Proxy to Generate Synthetic Lightning for Use in Physics-Based Image-Chain Models, Bryan G. Castro
Directionally Sensitive Gamma Imaging Using Rotating Scatter Masks and Inexpensive, Scintillation Detectors, Christopher S. Charles
Intercomparison of Four Microphysics Schemes in Simulating Persistent Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus Clouds, Zachary A. Cleveland
Deep Learning Approach to Multi-phenomenological Nuclear Fuel Cycle Signals for Nonproliferation Applications, Preston J. Dicks
A Study on the Early Stages of Degradation of Multi-component Alloy Surfaces in Extreme Environments Using the Multi-cell Monte Carlo Method, Tyler D. Dolezal
Optimizing Optical Switching of Non-linear Optimizing Optical Switching of Non-linear Hyperbolic Metamaterials, James A. Ethridge
Capability Development for Advanced (n,x) Nuclear Data Measurements, Brian G. Frandsen
Fitting Solar Panel BRDF Parameters to Out-Of-Plane Empirical Data, Michael R. Gross
Quantum Error Detection Without Using Ancilla Qubits, Nicolas Guerrero
Global Sporadic-E Climatological Analysis using GPS Radio Occultation and Ionosonde Data, Travis J. Hodos
Identification and Characterization of Point Defects in Nonlinear Optical Crystals: Barium Gallium Selenide and Lithium Triborate, Brian C. Holloway
Verficiation and Validation of Unstructured Meshing Capabilities in MCNP6, Micah C. Jeroutek
Neutron Spectral Effect on Microelectronic Performance Response, Wade Kloppenburg
Determination of Vortex Locations in a 2x2 Array of Josephson Junctions for Topological Quantum Computation, Casey L. Kowalski
Feasibility of Fireball Trail Detection Using Ground-Based GPS Receivers, Ian R. Moffett
Efficiency Quantification for Pulsed-source Digital Holographic Wavefront Sensing, Steven A. Owens
Characterization of Environmental Conditioning of Lithium Hydride Using Spectroscopy and Machine Learning, Ryan E. Pinson
Methods for Focal Plane Array Resolution Estimation Using Random Laser Speckle in Non-paraxial Geometries, Phillip J. Plummer
Enabling Rapid Chemical Analysis of Plutonium Alloys via Machine Learning-enhanced Atomic Spectroscopy Techniques, Ashwin P. Rao
Analysis of Microscopic Carbon Fiber Fragments, Zachary R. Scott
Modeling Gadolinium Self Powered Neutron Detectors in a Transient Reactor, Alexander L. Q. Spring
Formulation and Characterization of Fast-Curing Plastic Scintillators with High-Z Loading, Theodore W. Stephens
Analytic Case Study Using Unsupervised Event Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data, Jeremy M. Wightman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Identifying Four Year Average Cloud Field Regimes from World Wide Merged Cloud Analysis Dataset By Way of K-Means Clustering, Stewart G. Almeida
Development of a Magnetic Confinement Attachment for Enhanced Signal in Handheld Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Soil Analysis, Alfred C. Anderson
Nonlinear Solution of the Time Eigenvalue of a Fast Burst Reactor Using the Finite Volume Method, Stephen H. Baxter
A Comparative Evaluation of the Fast Optical Pulse Response of Event-based Cameras, Tyler J. Brewer
One Dimensional Study of Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters for a Potential New Class of Heavy Ion Drivers for Plasma Jet Driven Magnetoinertial Fusion, Patrick M. Brown
Improvements to Emissive Plume and Shock Wave Diagnostics and Interpretation During Pulsed Laser Ablation of Graphite, Timothy I. Calver
A Comparison of Sporadic-E Occurrence Rates Using Ionosondes and GPS Radio Occultation Measurements, Rodney A. Carmona Jr.
Relationship between Solar Energetic Particle He/H Abundance Ratios and Properties of Flares and CMES, Christopher R. Davidson
Computational Electromagnetic Modeling of Metasurface Optical Devices with Defect Study, Carlos D. Diaz
Verification and Validation of Radiation Protection Factors from Monte Carlo Simulations, William J. Erwin
Error Reduction for the Determination of Transverse Moduli of Single-Strand Carbon Fibers via Atomic Force Microscopy, Joshua D. Frey
Studying the Conditions for Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares with and without Precursor Flares, Seth H. Garland
Correction of Back Trajectories Utilizing Machine Learning, Britta F. Gjermo Morrison
Analysis of Space to Ground Ladar Performance with Non-Traditional Optics, Prayant P.S. Hanjra
Error Detection in Quantum Algorithms, Simeon R. Hanks
Characterization and Analysis of BOMARC Accident Debris, Aaron J. Heffelfinger
Ab Initio Spectroscopy of Natural and Artificial Fire Contaminants for V/W Band Frequency Signal Absorbance, Matthew B. Husk
Impendance Probe Payload Development for Space-based Joint Service Collaboration, Brian T. Kay
Space to High-Altitude Region Adjoint Neutron Transport, Zachary W. LaMere
Neutron Pulse-Time Extension through Conversion to Positronium, Shawn T. McTaggart
Characterization of Infrared Metasurface Optics with an Optical Scatterometer, Matthew R. Miller
Examination of a Lenseless Setup for Reflective Inverse Diffusion of Light, John Nguyen
Synthetic Lightning Generation Employing Autoregressive-Moving-Average (ARMA) Models, Seth R. Powers
Neutron Energy Tuning Assemblies for Nuclear Weapon Environment Applications at the National Ignition Facility, Nicholas J. Quartemont
Characterization of the Spatial Distribution and Evolution of Cerium and Calcium in Laser Produced Plasma, Michael G. Rynders
Topological Realizations of Entangling Quantum Gates, Adrian D. Scheppe
Development and Verification of Extreme Space Weather Phenomena Models, Sophia G. Schwalbe
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Elemental Assay Data for Nuclear Forensics Analysis, Jason G. Seik
Comparison of Spatial Precipitation Forecasts with a Satellite Dataset, Andrew C. Siebels
Dynamic Holography in Resonant Nonlinear Media: Theory and Application, Jonathan E. Slagle
Improved Out-of-Plane BRDF Measurement and Modeling, Todd V. Small
Lithium Compound Characterization via Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy, James T. Stofel
Data Driven Investigation into the Off-Axis BRDF to Develop an Algorithm to Classify Anisotropicity, Anne W. Werkley
Profiling Atmospheric Turbulence Using a Dynamically Ranged Rayleigh Beacon System, Steven M. Zuraski
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Next-Generation Air Force Weather Metrics via Bayes Cost Analysis, Brandon M. Bailey
The Design of a Continuous Wave Molecular Nitrogen Stimulated Raman Laser in the Visible Spectrum, Timothy J. Bate
Modulation of Lightning Occurrence by the Solar Wind, Adam L. Baxter
Conduction Mapping for Quality Control of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing, Chance M. Baxter
Enhanced BRDF Modeling Using Directional Volume Scatter Terms, Michael W. Bishop
Validation of HTS Optical Turbulence Profiling via Sonic Anemometry, Alexander S. Boeckenstedt
Validation Technique for Modeled Bottomside Ionospheres via Ray Tracing, Kevin S. Burg
An Assessment of the Spatial Variation of Isotopic Ratios in a CANDU-6 Reactor for Nuclear Treaty Monitoring, Aaron W. Burkhardt
Spectroscopic Diagnostics for Supersonic Air Microwave Discharges, James E. Caplinger
Measurement of the 160Gd(p,n)160Tb excitation function from 4 18 MeV, using a stacked foil technique, Ryan K. Chapman
Characterizing Regime-Based Flow Uncertainty, John L. Fioretti
Neutron Displacement Damage in Germanium Tin Photodiodes, Nathan J. Gale
Determining Bulk Aerosol Absorption from Off Axis Backscattering using Rayleigh Beacon Laser Pulses, Julie C. Grossnickle
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems using the Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm, Nicholas J. Guerrero
A Machine Learning Approach to Characterizing Particle Morphology in Nuclear Forensics, Daniel A. Gum
Neutron Energy Effects on Asteroid Deflection, Lansing S. Horan IV