"Simulation of Neutron Generation from Laser-Driven Fusion in a Liquid " by Colton R. Stoner

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Anil K. Patnaik, PhD


Using WarpX’s new nuclear fusion module, this work attempts to model an experimental system at the ELL at the AFIT with WarpX and draw conclusions about fusion products from resulting simulations. Recently, a table-top, high repetition rate, mixed radiation source was demonstrated at the ELL employing a HIL to fuse the deuterium nuclei present in a unique liquid target of heavy water. Analysis of the simulations predicted an isotropic output of neutrons from deuterium-deuterium fusion. These simulated neutrons were created in tens of femtoseconds from dense bodies of deuterons that were perturbed by the laser. However, it was found that the simulation used to draw these conclusions does not properly resolve a key stability condition in plasma simulation. More stability could be brought to the simulation by increasing spatial resolution, reducing the density of the simulated heavy water, and creating a method to determine the presence and severity of numerical heating in a fusion-enabled particle simulation, amongst many possible options. Therefore, more work is needed to confirm these findings.

AFIT Designator



A 12-month embargo was observed.

Approved for public release. PA Case number on file.
