This collection on AFIT Scholar presents scholarly works of the faculty of the Air Force Institute of Technology

The Faculty Publications collection accepts scholarly works that are developed under the auspices of AFIT, and accepted for publication in a journal, or for presentation at a conference. All submissions should be approved for public release before submitting to AFIT Scholar

Secondary materials may be submitted along with an article or conference paper, for the purpose of experimental result repeatability.

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Submissions from 2019


ENTRNA: A Framework to Predict RNA Foldability, Congzhe Su, Jeffery D. Weir, Fei Zhang, Hao Yan, and Teresa Wu


A Sustainable Prototype for Renewable Energy: Optimized Prime-power Generator Solar Array Replacement, Nathan Thomsen, Torrey J. Wagner, Andrew J. Hoisington, and Steven J. Schuldt


Deep-turbulence Wavefront Sensing using Digital Holography in the On-axis Phase Shifting Recording Geometry with Comparisons to the Self-referencing Interferometer, Douglas E. Thornton, Mark F. Spencer, and Glen P. Perram


Digital Holography Efficiency Measurements with Excess Noise, Douglas E. Thornton, Mark F. Spencer, Christopher A. Rice, and Glen P. Perram

A Review of CBRN Topics Related to Military and Civilian Patient Exposure and Decontamination, Emily Titus [*], George Lemmer, Jeremy M. Slagley, and Robert Eninger


Near Earth Space Object Detection Using Parallax as Multi-hypothesis Test Criterion, Joseph C. Tompkins, Stephen C. Cain, and David J. Becker


Occupational Noise Dose Reduction via Behavior Modification Using In-Ear Dosimetry among United States Air Force Personnel Exposed to Continuous and Impulse Noise, Jesse Trawick, Jeremy M. Slagley, and Robert Eninger


Plasma Spectroscopy of Titanium Monoxide for Characterization of Laser Ablation, Todd A. Van Woerkom, Glen P. Perram, Christian G. Parigger, Brian D. Dolasinski, Charles D. Phelps, and Patrick A. Berry


Speckle Mitigation for Wavefront Sensing in the Presence of Weak Turbulence, Noah R. Van Zandt, Mark F. Spencer, and Steven T. Fiorino


Confirmation Bias Estimation from Electroencephalography with Machine Learning, Micah N. Villareal, Alexander J. Kamrud [*], and Brett J. Borghetti


The Multi-pursuer Single-Evader Game: A Geometric Approach, Alexander Von Moll, David W. Casbeer, Eloy Garcia, Dejan Milutinovic, and Meir Pachter


Excitation of Higher Lying States in a Potassium Diode-pumped Alkali Laser, Austin J. Wallerstein, Glen P. Perram, and Christopher A. Rice


Agent Scheduling in Opinion Dynamics: A Taxonomy and Comparison Using Generalized Models, Christopher W. Weimer, John O. Miller, Raymond R. Hill, and Douglas D. Hodson


Fast and Effective Techniques for LWIR Radiative Transfer Modeling: A Dimension-Reduction Approach, Nicholas M. Westing [*], Brett J. Borghetti, and Kevin C. Gross

Teaching Safety, Health, and Environment in Engineering Programs for Millennials: Ethics is the Basis, Gary L. Winn, Jeremy Slagley, Madeline Slagley, and Laura Winn

Submissions from 2018


Finding the Fuel of the Arab Spring Fire: A Historical Data Analysis, Darryl K. Ahner and Luke M. Brantley


A Deterministic-stochastic Method for Computing the Boltzmann Collision Integral in O(MN) operations, Alexander Alekseenko, Truong Nguyen, and Aihua W. Wood


Wavelet ANOVA Bisection Method for Identifying Simulation Model Bias, Andrew D. Atkinson, Raymond R. Hill, Joseph J. Pignatiello Jr., G. Geoffrey Vining, Edward D. White, and Eric Chicken


Comparison of Plume Dynamics for Laser Ablated Metals: Al and Ti, William A. Bauer, Glen P. Perram, and Timothy Haugan


Improved Space Object Detection Using Short-Exposure Image Data with Daylight Background, David J. Becker and Stephen C. Cain


Multivariate Stochastic Approximation to Tune Neural Network Hyperparameters for Criticial Infrastructure Communication Device Identification, Trevor J. Bihl and Daniel W. Steeneck


Influence of Basis-set Size on the X2Σ+1/2, A2Π1/2, A2Π3/2, and B2Σ1/2 potential-energy curves, A2Π3/2 2 vibrational energies, and D1 and D2 line shapes of Rb+He, L. Aaron Blank, Amit R. Sharma, and David E. Weeks


A Framework for Investigating Optimization of Service Parts Performance with Big Data, Christopher A. Boone, Benjamin T. Hazen, Joseph B. Skipper, and Robert E. Overstreet


Estimation of Atmospheric Turbulence Using Differential Motion of Extended Features in Time-lapse Imagery, Santasri Bose-Pillai, Jack E. McCrae, Christopher A. Rice, Ryan A. Wood, Conner E. Murphy, and Steven T. Fiorino


Measuring Leak Rates from Abandoned Natural Gas Wells in Western Pennsylvania, John Bradshaw, Jeremy M. Slagley, Nicole Iannacchione, and Matthew Lees