Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evaluation of the ARMAS-SOM Framework with Real Data, Brandon M. Blakely
Magnetic Navigation Using Online Calibration Filter Analysis, Jonnathan D. Bonifaz
Optimization of a Multi-Layered Target for a Pulsed Power Neutron Source, Zachary D. Bretz
Critical Evaluation of Construction Industry-Related Additive Manufacturing Research: A Scientometric Analysis, Tyler J. Brunjes
Thermal Considerations for Film Cooling Materials With Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity, Carol E. Bryant
Effects of a Non-Uniform Magnetic Field on the Current Flow of Silicon Photodiodes and Solar Cells, Jason J. Buranich
Additive Manufacturing of Molybdenum for High Temperature Structural Applications, Megan L. Bustin
Aeroelasticity of Six Degree-of-Freedom Satellite Bus Configurations During Terminal Reentry, Jinhee F. Byun
Statistical Inference on Desirability Function Optimal Points to Evaluate Multi-Objective Response Surfaces, Peter A. Calhoun
Analysis of Container Shipments for USTRANSCOM, John N. Campos Y Campos
Coupled Orbit-Attitude Dynamics and Control of a CubeSat Equipped with a Robotic Manipulator, Charles M. Carr
Applications of a Lightning Proxy to Generate Synthetic Lightning for Use in Physics-Based Image-Chain Models, Bryan G. Castro
Game Theory Framework to Evaluate Nuclear Deterrence, Michael A. Cevallos
Evaluating Secure Enclave Firmware Development for Contemporary RISC-V Workstations, Samuel D. Chadwick
Generative Methods, Meta-learning, and Meta-heuristics for Robust Cyber Defense, Marc W. Chale
Directionally Sensitive Gamma Imaging Using Rotating Scatter Masks and Inexpensive, Scintillation Detectors, Christopher S. Charles
Leveraging Subject Matter Expertise to Optimize Machine Learning Techniques for Air and Space Applications, Philip Y. Cho
Design and Application of Compact Combustors in Small-Scale JetCat Engines, Nathan A. Clark
Intercomparison of Four Microphysics Schemes in Simulating Persistent Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratocumulus Clouds, Zachary A. Cleveland
An Investigation of Data Storage in Entity-Component Systems, Bailey V. Compton
Constructing Prediction Intervals with Neural Networks: An Empirical Evaluation of Bootstrapping and Conformal Inference Methods, Alexander N. Contarino
Development of a Methodology for the Quantification of Reaerosolization of a Biological Contaminant Surrogate Particle from Military Uniform Fabric, George D. Cooksey
A Decision Analysis Framework to Consider Space Congestion in Orbit Selection, Anthony J. Correale
Underactuated Attitude Control of a CubeSat Using Cold Gas Thrusters and Nonlinear Control Methods, Adam S. Cottrell
Detection and Identification of Cellphone Emitted Light Detection and Ranging Light in Security Camera Video Footage, Tristan V. Creek