Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Long-Term Asset Prioritization to Support District Planning, Melissa R. Sallberg
The Effects of International Defense Sales on Aerospace Prime Contractor Profitability, Gregory T. Sanders
Federated Active Learning for Network Intrusion Detection, Matthew D. R. Sauer
Test Problem Generation and Metaheuristic Selection for the Multidemand Multidimensional Knapsack Problem, Matthew E. Scherer
Fragility of the Florida Panhandle's Electrical Transmission Grid to Hurricanes, Zachary D. Schumann
Validation of Bottom-Up GNSS Radio Occultation Method to Measure D- and E-Region Electron Density, Dylan J. Shaver
Failure Distributions for Parallel Dependent Identical Weibull Components, Gina S. Sigler
An Improved Saliency Map with Trustworthiness for Localizing Abnormalities in Medical Imaging, Nolan C. Skelly
An Analysis of Escalation Forecasting for PPI3364, Jacob T. Smith
Adaptation of Network Flow Problems for Course of Action Generation, Alexander N. Stephens
Simulation of Neutron Generation from Laser-Driven Fusion in a Liquid D2O Sheet Using Novel WARPX Module, Colton R. Stoner
Shock Induced Trailing Edge Separation Effect on F-16 Limit-Cycle Oscillation, Eric D. Stubblefield
Spectral Material Classification of Orbital Objects - Applying machine learning to visible and near-infrared spectral scenes, Stephen M. Stumpf
Analysis and Optimization of Contract Data Schema, Franklin Sun
Characterizing GeSn Alloys by SEM/EDS and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy, Christopher M. Sutphin
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to a Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Maneuvering Problem, Caleb A. Taylor
Fabrication and Testing of a Novel Layered Metascintillator for Neutron and Gamma Discrimination, Evan W. Threlkeld
Monocular Vision and Machine Learning for Pose Estimation, Quang Ngoc Tran
Non-degenerate Two-Photon Absorption and Excited State Line Shapes in Alkali Vapors, Timothy M. True
Detonation Confinement in a Second-Generation Radial Rotating Engine, John T. Ursino
Applications of Fragile Curves to Water Distribution Networks, Danielle M. Van Lanen
An Analysis of a Modular Open System Approach on Program Management Metrics for Cost and Schedule, Kayla I. Vogler
Detection Algorithms and Clutter Metrics Comparison for Long Wave Infrared Point-Source Targets, Rudolf N. VonNiederhausern
Entering Hyperspace: Conditional Hyperspectral Reflectance Image Generation using Convolutional Neural Networks, Bret M. Wagner