Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Robert A. Bettinger, PhD


The analysis for the overall theoretical debris survivabilty of mega-constellation architectures, with an emphasis on space-based ballistic missile defense constellation (SB-BMD), is explored via three extensive different Monte Carlo simulations: preliminary analysis of low Earth Orbit (LEO) mega-constellation survivabilty following a fragmentation event within the constellation, analysis of LEO mega-constellation survivability with a fragmentation event occurring on a satellite performing a maneuver to insert itself within the constellation, and the analysis of LEO mega-constellation survivabilty after a fragmentation event resulting from the destruction of a missile. The LEO mega-constellations represent the SB-BMD constellation. The first two analysis sections will include simulations on the LEO constellation and a medium Earth orbit (MEO) constellation, in order for comparison of survivability. Each simulation will build on itself and provide insight in how a mega-constellation interacts with varying types of debris events, with the end goal of establishing tactics for the SB-BMD. An operational range of the SB-BMD will be developed, to ensure that the constellation engages the missiles at window of altitudes to minimize the overall threat of the resulting debris field on the SB-BMD mega-constellation.

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4. SF 298 - Canoy.pdf (227 kB)
SF298 for AFIT-ENY-MS-23-M-260 Canoy
