Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Nonlinear Characterizing of a New Titanium Nitride on Aluminum Oxide Metalens, Michael A. Cumming
Infrared and Electro-Optical Stereo Vision for Automated Aerial Refueling, William E. Dallmann
Comparison of Novel Heuristic and Integer Programming Schedulers for the USAF Space Surveillance Network, Kanit Dararutana
Designing Liquid Crystal for Optoacoustic Detection, Michael T. Dela Cruz
Quantifying Resiliency Risk Metrics through Facility Dispersion, Branden D. DeLong
Investigations of Point Defects in KH2PO4 Crystals Using Ab Initio Quantum Methods, Tabitha E. R. Dodson
Methodology for Comparison of Algorithms for Real-World Multi-objective Optimization Problems: Space Surveillance Network Design, Troy B. Dontigney
Development of a Mixed-Radiation Directional Rotating Scatter Mask Detection System, Bryan V. Egner
Effects of Carbon-based Ablation Products on Hypersonic Boundary Layer Stability, Olivia S. Elliott
Virus Adsorption to Colloids in Water: Interactions between Bacteriophage MS2, Kaolinite, and Fiberglass, Ashlee N. Ellis
Comparing Estimated to Actual Development Budgets for Air Force Space Programs, Christopher J. Elworth
A Case Study of EPA Clauses As They Apply to Fixed Price Contracts, Trevor A. Enos
Computational and Experimental Development of 2D Anisotropic Photonic Crystal Metamaterials, James A. Ethridge
Instantaneous Bandwidth Expansion Using Software Defined Radios, Nicholas D. Everett
A Generalized Phase Gradient Autofocus Algorithm, Aaron Evers
A Focal Plane Array and Electronics Model for CMOS and CCD Sensors in the AFIT Sensor and Scene Emulation Tool (ASSET), Fernando D. Fernandez
Improved Fabrication for Micromirror Arrays, Enoc Flores
Multi-Path Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System for Performance Limited Aircraft with Flight Tests: Project Have Medusa, Kenneth C. Gahan
Confidence Inference in Defensive Cyber Operator Decision Making, Graig S. Ganitano
Evaluation of Guar Gum as a Novel Adsorbent, Philicia Geiser
Optimal and Robust Neural Network Controllers for Proximal Spacecraft Maneuvers, B. Cole George
Examining the Drivers of C-130J Maintenance Requirements through Multiple Regression Analysis, Andrew V. Gill
Toxicological Life Cycle Impact Analysis of Short and Long Chain Perfluorinated Compounds Compared to Impacts of Treatment Techniques, Joshua R. Glass
Effect of Using Probabilistic Contingency Tables to Modify Forecast Predictions, Sarah A. Gold
Global Ionosonde and GPS Radio Occultation Sporadic-E Intensity and Height Comparison, Joshua Y. Gooch