Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
An Analysis of a Lighting Prediction Threshold for 45th Weather Squadron Electric Field Mill Data, Charles A. Skrovan
A General Methodology to Optimize and Benchmark Edge Devices, Kyle J. Smathers
Analysis and Forecasting of the 360th Air Force Recruiting Group Goal Distribution, Tyler Spangler
Analysis of Beta Distribution for Subjective Uncertainty Analysis in Cost Models, Ryan D. Stafford
Simulation of Sporadic-E Parameters Using Phase Screen Method, Daniel W. Stambovsky
Design and Analysis of a Disk-oriented Engine Combustor, Bennett M. Staton
Assessing Challenges Associated with Sampling Hexavalent Chromium under New Consensus Guidelilnes, Megan L. Steele
Recognizing Potential Cyberspace Warriors through the Use of Suspicion Propensity Index, Meghan G. Strang
NewHope: A Mobile Implementation of a Post-Quantum Cryptographic Key Encapsulation Mechanism, Jessica A. Switzler
Analysis of Construction Management at Risk Projects for Unites States Air Force Applicability, Danielle K. Tabb
Electro-optic Satellite Constellation Design Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, Yasin Tamer
The Connection between Indoor Air Quality and Mental Health Outcomes, William L. Taylor
Database Analysis to Improve U.S. Transportation Command Forecasting Processes, Maxwell C. Thompson
Golng off the Grid: Optimizing Solar Renewable Energy Systems at Remote Locations to Minimize Logistics Requirements, Increase Sustainability, and Strengthen Energy Assurance, Nathanael J. Thomsen
Multivariate Analysis of Human Performance STRONG Lab Data, Kayla N. Tinucci
A Study of Execution Performance for Rust-Based Object vs Data Oriented Architectures, Joseph A. Vagedes
An Analytic Study of Pursuit Strategies, Mark E. Vlassakis
Deep Learning-Based, Passive Fault Tolerant Control Facilitated by a Taxonomy of Cyber-Attack Effects, Dean C. Wardell
Simulated Experince Evaluation in Developing Multi-agent Coordination Graphs, Andrew J. Watson
Improved Ground-Based Monocular Visual Odometry Estimation using Inertially-Aided Convolutional Neural Networks, Josiah D. Watson
Physics-constrained Hyperspectral Data Exploitation Across Diverse Atmospheric Scenarios, Nicholas M. Westing
Detection of Reconnection Signatures in Solar Flares, Taylor R. Whitney
Space-Based Localization of Radio Frequency Transmitters Utilizing Macaulay Resultant and Heuristic Optimization Methods, Jessica M. Wightman
Meta Learning Recommendation System for Classification, Clarence O. Williams III