"Signal Quality Monitoring of GNSS Signals Using a Chip Shape Deformati" by Nicholas C. Echeverry

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

J. Addison Betances, PhD


The Global Navigation Satellite System continues to become deeply em-bedded within modern civilization, and is depended on for confident, accurate navigation information. High precision position and timing accuracy is typically achieved using differential processing, however these systems provide limited compensation for distortions caused by multi-path or faulty satellite hardware. Signal Quality Monitoring (SQM) aims to provide confidence in a receivers Position, Navigation, and Timing solution and to offer timely warnings in the event that signal conditions degrade to unsafe levels. The methods presented in this document focus on implementing effective SQM using low-cost Commercial Off-the-Shelf equipment, a Software Defined Radio, and a typical software receiver architecture that tracks the Galileo E1C signals and the Global Positioning System L1 Coarse-Acquisition signals. Techniques are centered on acquiring and discriminating signal chip shapes with a goal of identifying both 1) clean and 2) deformed signals. The demonstrated identification method is relevant to the growing significance of SQM for SoL applications while providing benefit for confidently monitoring received GNSS signal integrity without requiring specialized receiver hardware.

AFIT Designator


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