Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Electrical Characterization of Ion-Implanted 4H-Silicon Carbide, Christian P. Morath
The Effect of Registration Errors on Tracking in a Networked Radar System, Bradley J. Mortenson
Portfolio Selection of Innovative Technologies via Life Cycle Cost Modeling, Scott C. Naylor
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Leasing Versus Buying Air Force General Purpose Vehicles in the Continental United States, Robert J. Neal Jr.
A Validation Assessment of THUNDER 6.5's Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Module, Francine N. Nelson
Inelastic Scattering Matrix Elements for the Collision B (2P1/2) + H2(j) → B (2P3/2) + H2(j'), Thomas A. Niday
A Structured Approach to Software Tool Integration, Penelope A. Noe
The Development of Laser Cost Estimating Relationships (CERs) From Commercial Data, Michael J. Nolette and Steven L. Seeley
Band Structure Anisotropy in Semiconductor Quantum Wells, Steven J. Novotny
Low Grazing Angle Terrain Backscattering Coefficient Generator, William N. O'Connor
Dynamic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Routing with a Java-Encoded Reactive Tabu Search Metaheuristic, Kevin P. O'Rourke
Defining Virtual Interactions: A Taxonomy for Researchers and Practitioners, Glade G. Oxborrow
Incorporating Scene Mosaics as Visual Indexes into UAV Video Imagery Databases, Timothy I. Page
Concept Design and Optimization of MSW Management System, James R. Palmer
Structural Emergence and the Collaborative Behavior of Autonomous Nano-Satellites, Daniel J. Petrovich
A Climatology-Based Model for Long-Term Prediction of Radar Beam Refraction, Todd S. Pittman
Acquisition Logistics Guidelines for Improving the Argentine Air Force Weapon System Acquisition Process, Guillermo A. Piuzzi
Heat Transfer to the Inclined Trailing Wall of an Open Cavity, Orval A. Powell
The Adequacy of the Fourteen General Systems Characteristics as Function Point Adjustment Factors, Michael D. Prater and Joseph C. Willoughby
A Performance Analysis of Dynamic Routing Algorithms in an IRIDIUM-Like Low Earth Orbit Satellite System, Stephen R. Pratt
Close Formation Flight Control, Andrew W. Proud
Analysis of the Applicability of Video Segmentation to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance Video, Bradley L. Pyburn
Estimation and Goodness-of-Fit in the Case of Randomly Censored Lifetime Data, David M. Reineke