Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
A New Approach to Career Field Matching for Commissioning Air Force Cadets, Daniel Griffen Laird
Analyzing Microarchitectural Residue in Various Privilege Strata to Identify Computing Tasks, Tor J. Langehaug
Climate Change Risk to Coastal Airfield Stormwater Systems, Jedidiah R. Langlois
Leveraging xGEO Orbits for Cislunar Space Domain Awareness, Jay Laone
Characterizing Wake Roll-Up and Vortex Structure for Delta Wing Configuations Featuring Flow Control Devices at Low Reynolds Number, Jeffrey M. Layng
A Scientometric Analysis of Smart Sensors in Facility Management and Applications in Air Force Operations, Joseph-Thomas H. Lehotsky
Improving Country Conflict and Peace Modeling: Datasets, Imputations, and Hierarchical Clustering, Benjamin D. Leiby
Manufacturing of a Ceramic Turbine Rotor for a Compact Jet Engine, Bryan T. Leicht
Experimental Design on High-Speed Sliding Wear, Irene D. Liew
Characterizing Complex-Valued Neural Network Model Approximations of 4-Input 4-Output Complex-Valued Reference Block Models, Larry C. Llewellyn II
Analysis of Twitter Networks to Aid Open Source Intelligence Capabilities: A Multilayer Network Approach, Austin P. Logan
Measuring Seaport Performance and Congestion in the Republic of Korea, Derrick J. Lohr
System Phasing and Schedule Growth Analysis, Daniel A. Long
An Analysis of Telework Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Patrick J. Lopez
Generalized Robust Feature Selection, Bradford L. Lott
Developing a Methodology for Analyzing Educational Offerings Using Competency Descriptors, Andrew G. Lowe
Evaluating a Statistical-Based Assessment Tool for Stratifying Risk among U.S. Air Force Organizations, Tiffany A. Low
Monocular Pose Estimation for Automated Aerial Refueling via Perspective-n-Point, James C. Lynch
Effects of a Nitrogen and Hydrogen Build Atmosphere on the Properties of Additively Manufactured Tungsten, Dana C. Madsen
Comparison of Lightning Warning Radii Distributions, Michael M. Maestas
Effects of Cone Tip Changes On Wall-Cooled Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition and Turbulence, Mathew M. Major
Evaluating Neural Network Decoder Performance for Quantum Error Correction Using Various Data Generation Models, Brett M. Martin
A Post-disaster Construction Portfolio Optimization Framework for Tyndall AFB Rebuild Post Hurricane Michael, Andre J. May
Using Generative Adversarial Networks to Augment Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Classification Training Sets, Benjamin J. McCloskey