Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Covert Channels Within IRC, Wayne C. Henry
Osculating Relative Orbit Elements Resulting from Chief Eccentricity and J2 Perturbing Forces, Joshuah A. Hess
Revolutionizing Space Propulsion Through the Characterization of Iodine as Fuel for Hall-Effect Thrusters, Adam C. Hillier
TOF-SIMS for Rapid Nuclear Forensics Evaluation of Uranium Oxide Particles, Hannah E. Hocking
Restoration of Scene Information Reflected from Non-Specular Media, Mark G. Hoelscher
Development of Optimized Guidelines for Therapeutic Strategies for Organophosphate Poisoning, Craig A. Holder
A Methodology Using Simulation Results for Test and Evaluation, Jonathon S. Hosket
Image Dependent Relative Formation Navigation for Autonomous Aerial Refueling, James M. Howard
The Use of Various Failure Criteria as Applied to High Speed Wear, David A. Huber
Host-Based Systemic Network Obfuscation System for Windows, Kevin E. Huber
Characteristics of a High Intensity, Pulsed, Potassium Vapor Laser in a Heat Pipe, Edward J. Hurd
Modeling of Bacillus Spores: Inactivation and Outgrowth, Alexis X. Hurst
Scramjet Isolator Modeling and Control, John R. Hutzel
Study of Varying Boundary Layer Height on Turret Flow Structures, Renato Jelic
Sensitivity Analysis of Empirical Parameters in the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Model, Janelle V. Jenniges
Fixed-wing Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, Christopher L. Jerome
Holistic Network Defense: Fusing Host and Network Features for Attack Classification, Jenny W. Ji
Polarimetric Enhancements to Electro-Optical Aided Navigation Techniques, Jeremiah D. Johnson
Application of Relational Contracting Methods to Federal Construction Projects, Travis R. Johnson
Investigation of YAG:Ce Scintillating Fiber Properties Using Silicon Photomultipliers, Bradley S. Jones
Optimal CH-47 and C-130 Workload Balance, Dustin P. Jones
Broadband Pumping Effects on the Diode Pumped Alkali Laser, Paul Nathaniel Jones
Tension-Compression Fatigue of Hi-Nicalon/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite at 1200°C in Air and Steam, Tyler P. Jones