This collection on AFIT Scholar presents reports and other mission-related documents issued by the Air Force Institute of Technology and its departments and divisions.
The AFIT Documents collection accepts final versions of materials that are developed under the auspices of AFIT. All submissions should be approved for public release before submitting to AFIT Scholar.
Material for the AFIT Documents collection may be submitted to AFIT Scholar.
Submissions from 1994
Air Force Institute of Technology Yesterday...Today...Tomorrow 1919 - 1994, Air Force Institute of Technology and Ernest R. Keucher [Editor]
Submissions from 1991
Migrating a C-Based CAD Tool to an Object-Oriented Database/C++ Environment: Conversion Costs and Performance Analysis, Mark A. Roth and Timothy M. Jacobs
Submissions from 1988
Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1987, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1987
Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1986, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1984
Air Force Institute of Technology 1919 – 1984. 65th Anniversary [commemorative brochure], Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1980
Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1979, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1979
Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1978, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1978
Air Force Institute of Technology School of Engineering. Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1977, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1977
AFIT School of Engineering Contributions to Air Force Research and Technology. Calendar Year 1976, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1974
AFIT School of Engineering Contributions to Air Force Research and Technology Calendar Year 1973, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1973
AFIT School of Engineering Contributions to Air Force Research and Technology. Calendar Year 1972, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1972
AFIT School of Engineering Contributions to Air Force Research and Technology. Calendar Year 1971, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1967
Report on Research, School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, 1962-1966, Air Force Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1949
The United States Air Force Institute of Technology Class of 1949, Air Force Institute of Technology and Laurence E. Craigie
Submissions from 1948
The United States Air Force Institute of Technology Class of 1948, Air Force Institute of Technology and Edgar P. Sorensen
Submissions from 1947
Army Air Forces Institute of Technology Guide for Student Officers, School Year 1947-48, Army Air Forces Institute of Technology
Submissions from 1935
Air Corp Engineering School, Wright Field - 1935 Catalog, Air Corps Engineering School and A. W. Robins