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This publication is issued to fill the need on the part of the Air Corps in general for a more detailed description of the curriculum of the Air Corps Engineering School. This description will serve as a guide to the accepted applicant in his preliminary preparation and a standard by which the individual Air Corps officer can arrive at an intelligent decision as to whether his own enthusiasm and preparation will be sufficient to warrant making application for the course. Entrance requirements are definitely stated herein. For those who do not contemplate intensive aeronautical engineering training, this publication may be of interest as presenting the various phases of the course of instruction.

The illustrations of the work performed in the various courses represent in all cases the actual efforts put forth by the student as a part of the routine instruction.

The Directory of Instructors indicates the intimacy with which the student is brought under the direct supervision of the various specialists in each subject, some of whom have wide reputations and all of whom are actively engaged in the experimental program of the Materiel Division.

It is thought this course should make a special appeal to many who would no doubt desire to take advantage of the opportunities offered if fully acquainted with them. Interested Air Corps officers should make application to The Adjutant General, through the Chief of the Air Corps.
