AFIT Documents | Air Force Institute of Technology

This collection on AFIT Scholar presents reports and other mission-related documents issued by the Air Force Institute of Technology and its departments and divisions.

The AFIT Documents collection accepts final versions of materials that are developed under the auspices of AFIT. All submissions should be approved for public release before submitting to AFIT Scholar.

Material for the AFIT Documents collection may be submitted to AFIT Scholar.


Submissions from 2019


Graduate School of Engineering and Management Catalog 2019-2020, Air Force Institute of Technology

The AFIT ENgineer, Volume 1, Quarter 2, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology


The AFIT ENgineer, Volume 1, Quarter 3, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology

The AFIT ENgineer, Volume 1, Quarter 4, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology

Submissions from 2018


2017 Annual Report of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology


2018 Faculty Excellence Showcase, AFIT Graduate School of Engineering & Management, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology


Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2017, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology


Final Report of the AFIT Quality Initiative: Gap Analysis and Investment Strategy Guidance, Air Force Institute of Technology, Jason M. Bindewald, and Alice E. Grimes


Graduate School of Engineering and Management Catalog 2018-2019, Air Force Institute of Technology

Graduate School of Engineering & Management Five-Year Strategic Plan: 2018-2023, Air Force Institute of Technology

Submissions from 2017


2016 Annual Report of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT


Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2016, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology


Application of Should Cost Methodologies to Address Savings Across the Acquisition Life Cycle, Steven Breitenstein, Bruce Johnson, Jason Borchers, Mark Caudle, and Edwin "Jay" Kilpatrick


Final Report of the AFIT Quality Initiative External Discovery Committee, Air Force Institute of Technology, Jason M. Bindewald, Alice E. Grimes, Jason K. Freels, Andrew J. Geyer, Laurence D. Merkle, Amy J. High, Michael T. Hill, and Richard Kappel


Final Report of the AFIT Quality Initiative Internal Discovery Committee, Air Force Institute of Technology, Nancy J. Roszell, Christina F. Rusnock, Mark B. Skouson, David E. Weeks, Brian Fitch, Amanda R. Linsday, John A. Reisner, and Vincent A. Richardson


Graduate School of Engineering and Management Catalog 2017-2018, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology


Learning Curve Analysis in Department of Defense Acquisition Programs, John J. Elshaw, Adedeji B. Badiru, and Sharif F. Harris

Submissions from 2016


2015 Annual Report of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT


Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2015, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT

Submissions from 2015


2014 Annual Report of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT


Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2014, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT


Graduate School of Engineering and Management Catalog 2015-2017, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology

Submissions from 2014


2013 Annual Report of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT


Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2013, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT


Enterprise Requirements and Acquisition Model (ERAM) Analysis and Extension, John M. Colombi, Joseph R. Wirthlin, and Teresa Wu