This collection on AFIT Scholar presents scholarly works of the faculty of the Air Force Institute of Technology

The Faculty Publications collection accepts scholarly works that are developed under the auspices of AFIT, and accepted for publication in a journal, or for presentation at a conference. All submissions should be approved for public release before submitting to AFIT Scholar

Secondary materials may be submitted along with an article or conference paper, for the purpose of experimental result repeatability.

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Submissions from 2020


MagSLAM: Aerial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Earth's Magnetic Anomaly Field, Taylor N. Lee and Aaron J. Canciani


Experimental Determination of the (0/−) Level for Mg Acceptors in β-Ga2O3 Crystals, Christopher A. Lenyk, Trevor A . Gustafson, Sergey A. Basun, Larry E. Halliburton, and Nancy C. Giles


An Argument against Satellite Resiliency: Simplicity in the Face of Modern Satellite Design, Dax Linville [*] and Robert A. Bettinger


A Fully Quantum Calculation of Broadening and Shifting Coefficients of the D1 and D2 spectral lines of alkali-metal atoms colliding with noble-gas atoms, Robert D. Loper and David E. Weeks


Targeted Heavy-Ion Radiation of Aluminum Gallium Nitride/Gallium Nitride HEMTs, Melanie E. Mace, John W. McClory, James C. Petrosky, Eric R. Heller, and G. Vizhelethy


Effects of Temperature and Antioxidants on the Oxidation of Biodiesel Derived from Waste Vegetable Oil, Randy L. Maglinao, Torrey J. Wagner, and Keegan Duff


Solar Photovoltaic Considerations for Operational and Warfighter Support Capabilities, Dylan Martin-Abood [*], Douglas Dudis, and Torrey J. Wagner


Measurements of Optical Turbulence over 149-km Path, Jack E. McCrae, Santasri Bose-Pillai, Steven T. Fiorino, Aaron J. Archibald, Joel Meoak, Brannon Elmore, Thomas Kesler, and Christopher A. Rice


Approximate Dynamic Programming for the Military Inventory Routing Problem, Rebekah S. McKenna, Matthew J. Robbins, Brian J. Lunday, and Ian M. McCormack

Systems Modeling Language Extension to Support Modeling Of Human-Agent Teams, Michael E. Miller, John M. McGuirl, Michael F. Schneider, and Thomas C. Ford

Relational Database for PNT Data, Sean Mochocki, Kyle J. Kauffman, Robert C. Leishman, and John Raquet


A Review on Municipal Solid Waste-to-energy Trends in the USA, Chandrani Mukherjee, Jacob M. Denney, Eric G. Mbonimpa, Jeremy M. Slagley, and R. Bhowmik


Middleware Unifying Framework for Independent Nodes System (MUFFINS), James S. Okolica, Gilbert L. Peterson, and Michael J. Mendenhall


Characterization of Novel Rotating Scatter Mask Designs for Gamma Direction Identification, Robert J. Olesen, Buckley E. O'Day III, Darren E. Holland, Larry W. Burggraf, and James E. Bevins


Machine Learning Modeling of Horizontal Photovoltaics Using Weather and Location Data, Christil Pasion, Torrey J. Wagner, Clay Koschnick, Steven J. Schuldt, Jada B. Williams, and Kevin Hallinan


End-to-End Direct Digital Synthesis Simulation and Mathematical Model to Minimize Quantization Effects of Digital Signal Generation, Pranav R. Patel and Richard K. Martin


Cost Analysis of Optimized Islanded Energy Systems in a Dispersed Air Base Conflict, Jay F. Pearson, Torrey J. Wagner, and Justin D. Delorit


Meeting Temporary Facility Energy Demand with Climate-Optimized Off-Grid Energy Systems, Jay F. Pearson, Torrey J. Wagner, Justin D. Delorit, and Steven J. Schuldt


An Integrated Assessment of the Global Virtual Water Trade Network of Energy, Rebecca A. M. Peer and Christopher M. Chini


Nuclear Data Covariance Analysis in Radiation-Transport Simulations Utilizing SCALE Sampler and the IRDFF Nuclear Data Library, Nicholas J. Quartemont, Abigail A. Bickley, and James E. Bevins


Applications of Portable LIBS for Actinide Analysis, Ashwin P. Rao, John D. Auxier II, Dung Vu, and Michael B. Shattan


Pulse Shape Discrimination with a Low-cost Digitizer Using Commercial Off-the-shelf Components, Matthew C. Recker, E. J. Cazalas, and John W. McClory


Simulations of Unsteady Three-Dimensional Hypersonic Double-Wedge Flow Experiments, John D. Reinert, Graham V. Candler, and Jeffrey R. Komives

A System for Evaluating Vision-aided Navigation Uncertainty, Erik Rodenburgh and Clark N. Taylor


Nondestructive Electromagnetic Characterization of Uniaxial Sheet Media Using a Two-Flanged Rectangular Waveguide Probe, Neil G. Rogers, Michael J. Havrilla, Milo W. Hyde IV, and Alexander G. Knisely