Document Type
Publication Date
Winter 2023
China’s advancing space capabilities, particularly in the cislunar region, call for increased cislunar space domain awareness on the part of the United States. US military and civilian decisionmakers must take into account the full scope of China’s cislunar plans and capabilities as the military builds space strategies and future force designs. The United States must also increase near-term investments that support more robust cislunar space domain awareness.
Source Publication
AEther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower
Recommended Citation
Willis, S. (2023, Winter). To the Moon: Strategic Competition in the Cislunar Region. AEther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower. 2, 17-30.
Included in
Digital Communications and Networking Commons, Navigation, Guidance, Control and Dynamics Commons, Systems Engineering and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Commons, The Sun and the Solar System Commons
This article appears in AEther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower, a periodical of Air University Press. AEther journal has a searchable open archive here.
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