
Micromechanical Theoretical and Computational Modeling of Energy Dissipation Due to Nonlinear Vibration of Hard Ceramic Coatings with Microstructural Recursive Faults

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Engine failures due to high-cycle fatigue during severe dynamic vibration have cost the US Air Force an estimated $400 million dollars per year over the past two decades. Therefore, structural materials that exhibit high damping capacities are desirable for mechanical vibration suppression and acoustic noise attenuation. Few experimental studies suggested that hard ceramic coatings, which are commonly used as thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) to protect engine components from high temperatures and corrosion, can also serve as passive dampers due to their unique microstructure which consists of several layers of splats with inter- and intra-microstructural recursive faults (micro-cracks). Therefore, the focus of this study is on the development of a fundamental understanding of the unique microstructural features and mechanisms responsible for this observed energy dissipation in ceramic coatings under nonlinear vibration through the development of a micromechanical computational framework.
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International Journal of Solids and Structures
