Micromechanical Finite Element Analysis of the Effects of Martensite Morphology on the Overall Mechanical Behavior of Dual Phase Steel

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Strong and ductile dual-phase (DP) steels are an important class of advanced high strength steels that are commonly used by the automotive industry. Micromechanical computational modeling is imperative for guiding the material design of DP steels with simultaneous enhancements in strength and ductility. In this study, the effect of the morphology of the martensite hard phase on the overall stress-strain response of DP steels is studied. Through generating realistic virtual representative volume elements (RVEs) and adapting a microstructural-based approach using a finite deformation elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model, it was possible to conduct various parametric studies of the effects of martensite phase on the strength and ductility of DP steel.
Abstract excerpt © Elsevier


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International Journal of Solids and Structures
