"Management of Information Security: Challenges and Research Directions" by Joobin Choobineh, Gurpreet Dhillon et al. 10.17705/1CAIS.02057">

Management of Information Security: Challenges and Research Directions

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Over the past decade management of information systems security has emerged to be a challenging task. Given the increased dependence of businesses on computer-based systems and networks, vulnerabilities of systems abound. Clearly, exclusive reliance on either the technical or the managerial controls is inadequate. Rather, a multifaceted approach is needed. In this paper, based on a panel presented at the 2007 Americas Conference on Information Systems held in Keystone, Colorado, we provide examples of failures in information security, identify challenges for the management of information systems security, and make a case that these challenges require new theory development via examining reference disciplines. We identify these disciplines, recognize applicable research methodologies, and discuss desirable properties of applicable theories.


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Communications of the Association for Information Systems (e-ISSN eISSN 1529-3181)
