"M + Ng Potential Energy Curves Including Spin-orbit Coupling for M = K" by Larry Aaron Blank, David E. Weeks et al.

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X2Σ+1/2 ⁠, A2Π1/2, A2Π3/2, and B2Σ+1/2 potential energy curves and associated dipole matrix elements are computed for M + Ng at the spin-orbit multi-reference configuration interaction level, where M = K, Rb, Cs and Ng = He, Ne, Ar. Dissociation energies and equilibrium positions for all minima are identified and corresponding vibrational energy levels are computed. Difference potentials are used together with the quasistatic approximation to estimate the position of satellite peaks of collisionally broadened D2 lines. The comparison of potential energy curves for different alkali atom and noble gas atom combinations is facilitated by using the same level of theory for all nine M + Ng pairs.


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This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in The Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 124315 as fully cited below and may be found at DOI: 10.1063/1.3696377.

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Journal of Chemical Physics
