"Earned Schedule 10 Years Later Analyzing Military Programs" by K. T. Crumrine, Jonathan D. Ritschel et al.

Earned Schedule 10 Years Later Analyzing Military Programs

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It has been 10 years since Walt Lipke first introduced the concept of Earned Schedule ES. While progress has been made in understanding the utility of ES in some small scale and limited studies, a significant analysis of ES in DoD acquisition programs is missing. This paper first analyzes whether ES and Earned Value Management EVM provide fundamentally different information for program managers. It then examines which technique, ES or EVM, provides more timely and accurate schedule predictors in a broad spectrum of military weapon system programs. We find ES to be more timely and accurate both in software intensive contracts and in the sample size as a whole.


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DTIC accession number ADA600801.



Source Publication

Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering
