Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Cooling Requirements for the Ultra Compact Combuster, Donald D. Johnson
An Analysis of Error Reconciliation Protocols for use in Quantum Key Distribution, James S. Johnson
Genetic Algorithm Optimization of a Film Cooling Array on a Modern Turbine Inlet Vane, Jamie J. Johnson
The Multiobjective Average Network Flow Problem: Formulations, Algorithms, Heuristics, and Complexity, Jeremy D. Jordan
Enhanced Image-Aided Navigation Algorithm with Automatic Calibration and Affine Distortion Prediction, Juan D. Jurado
Exploring the Dynamics and Modeling National Budget as a Supply Chain System: A Proposal for Reengineering the Budgeting Process and for Developing a Management Flight Simulator, Christoforos Kalloniatis
Enhancing Trust in the Smart Grid by Applying a Modified Exponentially Weighted Averages Algorithm, Andrew T. Kasperek
Radar Based Navigation in Unknown Terrain, Kyle J. Kauffman
Augmenting the Global Positioning System with Foreign Navigation Systems and Alternative Sensors, Christopher B. Killion
Decision Analysis Using Value-focused Thinking for Retention of Long-term Officers in the Korean Army, Jaebum Kim
A Multi-stage Optimization Model for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Officer Candidate Selection, Marisha T. Kinkle
The Effect of Multiple Interventions on Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors, Jeremy P. Kinne
The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Motivation for Health Improvement on Anthropometric Measurements in High Risk Individuals, Aimee T. Kirchner
Leading Indicator Analysis for High Speed Sled Test Programs, Laurie C. Knorr
Novel Discretization Schemes for the Numerical Simulation of Membrane Dynamics, Kyle F. Kolsti
Ballistic Flash Characterization: Penetration and Back-face Flash, Michael J. Koslow
Effects of Architecture on Information Leakage of a Hardware Advanced Encryption Standard Implementation, Eric A. Koziel
Comparative Statistical Analysis of Auroral Models, Cory T. Lane
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Tunable RF Meta-atoms, Derrick Langley
Tanker Fuel Consolidation: Effects of Higher Fidelity Modeling on a Resilient Plan, Jason A. Larimore
Evaluation of Traditional Security Solutions in the SCADA Environment, Robert D. Larkin
Characterization of Centrifugally-Loaded Flame Migration for Ultra-Compact Combustors, Kenneth D. LeBay
Simulation Modeling and Analysis of the Impact of Individual Mobility Augmentee Loss at the Tanker Airlift Control Center, Megan A. Leiter
A Proposed Mediation Model of the Effects of Motivation for a Healthy Lifestyle: Impacts on Emotional Exhaustion, Medication Regimens, and Low-Density Lipoprotein, Nathan M. Leuthold