Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Angela Sodemann, PhD.


This research lays the groundwork for a network intrusion detection system that can operate with only knowledge of normal network traffic, using a process known as anomaly detection. Real-valued negative selection (RNS) is a specific anomaly detection algorithm that can be used to perform two-class classification when only one class is available for training. Researchers have shown fundamental problems with the most common detector shape, hyperspheres, in high-dimensional space. The research contained herein shows that the second most common detector type, hypercubes, can also cause problems due to biasing certain features in high dimensions. To address these problems, a new detector shape, the hypersteinmetz solid, is proposed, the goal of which is to provide a tradeoff between the problems plaguing hyperspheres and hypercubes. In order to investigate the potential benefits of the hypersteinmetz solid, an effective RNS detector size range is determined. Then, the relationship between content coverage of a dataset and classification accuracy is investigated. Subsequently, this research shows the tradeoffs that take place in high-dimensional data when hypersteinmetzes are chosen over hyperspheres or hypercubes. The experimental results show that detector shape is the dominant factor toward classification accuracy in high-dimensional RNS.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

