Theses and Dissertations from the Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Using Hysteretic Energy to Evaluate Damping Characteristics of Hard Coating on Titanium, Colin C. Engebretsen
Three Dimensional Positron Annihilation Momentum Spectroscopy of Lithium Tetraborate Crystals, Stefan B. Fagan-Kelly
Cost Growth Above Inflation (CGAI) in Operating and Support (O&S) Costs in Raw Materials for Air Force Aircraft, Gregory J. Ferry
Urgent Aeromedical Evacuation Network Capacity Planning, Scott C. Finkbeiner
Format Preserving Encryption: Evaluating FFX for Use Within the NextGen Air Traffic Control System, Cindy D. Finke
Rootkit Detection Using A Cross-View Clean Boot Method, Bridget N. Flatley
Neutron Spectroscopy Using LiF Thin-Film Detectors, Michael A. Ford
Modeling Reliability Growth in Accelerated Stress Testing, Jason K. Freels
Multivariate and Naïve Bayes Text Classification Approach to Cost Growth Risk in Department of Defense Acquisition Programs, Charlton E. Freeman
Modeling the Thermosphere as a Driven-Dissipative Thermodynamic System, William R. Frey
Optically Pumped Atomic Rubidium Lasers: Two-Photon and Exciplex Excitation Mechanisms, Jeffrey E. Gallagher
Applied Hypergame Theory for Network Defense, Alan S. Gibson
MEMS Cantilever Sensor for THz Photoacoustic Chemical Sensing and Spectroscopy, Nathan E. Glauvitz
Examining Application Components to Reveal Android Malware, John B. Guptill
FIST and the Analytical Hierarchy Process: Comparative Modeling, Trevor A . Gustafson
Construction, Analysis, and Data-Driven Augmentation of Supersaturated Designs, Alex J. Gutman
Investigation of the Atmospheric Propagation of Alkali Lasers in a Maritime Environment Using Tunable Diode Laser Atmospheric Spectroscopy, Matthew R. Guy
Passive MIMO Radar Detection, Daniel E. Hack
Cathodoluminescence and Thermoluminescence of Undoped LTB and LTB:A (A = Cu, Ag, Mn), Zachary L. Hadfield
Automatic Modulation Classification of Common Communication and Pulse Compression Radar Waveforms using Cyclic Features, John A . Hadjis
A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Improving Theater Distribution Force Flow Analysis, Micah J. Hafich
An Analysis of Factors that Influence the Success of Expeditionary Civil Engineer Hub-and-Spoke Organizations, Joshua A . Hager
Mobile Network Defense Interface for Cyber Defense and Situational Awareness, James C. Hannan
Information Encoding on a Pseudo Random Noise Radar Waveform, Joshua A . Hardin